So, how do cacao beans benefit your health? Well, they help nurture the skin, promote hair growth, improve memory, and reduce the risk of CVD, obesity, and inflammation. But are these claims scientifically backed? In this article, we look into the scientific basis of these claims, what cacao beans are, how they are processed, their nutritional profile, whether cocoa is the same as cacao, and more. So, let’s get started!

Cacao: Up Close

Cacao (Theobroma cacao), pronounced as ka-KA-oh, is a tropical tree native to the forests of Central America. It bears ribbed, thick-skinned fruits called cacao beans. These beans grow directly from the trunks and larger branches of the tree. Cacao bean pods have 35-50 almond-like seeds, which have shells, separated by sweet-tasting pulp. The seeds are processed to get the cacao powder, with which dark chocolate is made. Archaeologists found evidence of cacao dating back to 1900-1500 BC. The Aztecs used cacao seeds as currency. At places they didn’t grow, cacao beans were luxury. These beans were processed to prepare sweet, frothy, and refreshing drinks, especially in Mexico (1). Now, coming to the pertinent question – how is cacao different from cocoa? For this, you need to understand the traditional processing of the cacao beans. Scroll down!

How Is Cacao Processed?

Step 1: Cacao seeds and the surrounding fruit pulp are typically placed in heaps or boxes for natural fermentation. In this step, the naturally occurring microbes multiply using the sugar from the pulp as an energy source. Step 2: The seeds are then dried in the sun or wood-fired ovens and shipped to cacao processors. Step 3: The thin coats of the seeds are separated from the inner embryonic tissue. These naked seeds are then roasted and milled to form chocolate liquor. Now comes the best part! Step 4: By mechanically pressing most of the fat (cocoa butter) from the chocolate liquor, the crude and most loved cocoa powder is produced (2). We binge on chocolates matter-of-factly. But look at the process that needs to be followed to get a slab of chocolate. No wonder it is a multibillion-dollar industry, employing thousands of civilians! All this is great to know. But how does it matter to your health? Why should you eat some bittersweet, fermented extract of a random tropical bean pod? The answer lies in the chemical composition of the cacao beans. Let’s learn some science now!

What Makes Cacao Or Cocoa Beneficial For Health?

Cacao nibs or the raw cocoa extracts contain relatively high concentrations of polyphenols, lipids, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Flavanols are the class of polyphenols that are predominantly present in cocoa liquor. Flavanols, especially epicatechin, catechin, quercetin, caffeic acid, and proanthocyanidins, can act as strong antioxidants. Cacao nibs and cocoa powder also have theobromine and caffeine that have various physiological effects. Essential minerals like magnesium, copper, potassium, and iron are also abundant in cacao and cocoa powder. Check this out for the numbers: I’ve been going on and on that cacao is good for health and promotes well-being. But how does it exactly do so? What are the benefits of having cacao or its extracts? Read on to find out!

What Are The Benefits Of Cacao?

1. Nurtures Your Skin

Cacao and its derivatives (like cocoa powder and dark chocolate) are rich in flavanols like epicatechin, catechin, epigallic acid, caffeic acid, and theobromine. These compounds scavenge the free radicals generated, particularly in your skin, due to UV and visible light exposure. Dark chocolate has an anti-aging effect as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has shown to reduce erythema and skin cancers by about 25%. Topical application of cocoa butter can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, pimples, blemishes, and breakouts on your skin (3).

2. Boosts Hair Growth And Repair

Magnesium plays a vital role in cell division and growth. It is responsible for anti-inflammatory and repair mechanisms in the cells, especially in the hair follicles. Consuming cacao or cocoa powder can boost hair growth from the roots, more so after menopause. It also prevents inflammation that influences your hair health and growth patterns (4).

3. Protects And Promotes Dental Health

Contrary to belief, chocolates are good for your teeth – but not the sweet ones. Research says that unsweetened cocoa, dark chocolate, and chocolate liquor contain inhibitors of the dextransucrase enzyme, which is responsible for the formation of the plaque on your teeth. Also, cacao products have an anticaries effect – they prevent any microbial growth in the teeth and gums. Cocoa-enriched diets can cure periodontitis and infections like gingivitis (5).

4. Fights Obesity And Lipid Peroxidation

In a rat study, a cocoa-rich diet resulted in a loss of weight and reduction in obesity-related inflammation and triglyceride accumulation. Cacao has anti-hyperlipidemic activity and prevents lipid peroxidation. Since it is rich in antioxidants, making cocoa a part of your diet can reduce levels of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in your body. This means no inflammation of the organs, particularly the liver and blood vessels. In another trial, consumption of 100 g flavonoid-rich chocolate over two weeks reduced total serum cholesterol by 7% and LDL by 12% (6). Cocoa also alters the expression of genes that promote obesity and inflammation. So, in all aspects, cacao ensures that obesity and related complications are kept at bay (7).

5. Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs)

Increased levels of free radicals, LDL (bad cholesterol), and heavy metal ions, paired with reduced nitric oxide (NO) availability and HDL levels, can trigger cardiovascular diseases. The polyphenolic ingredients in cacao, such as procyanidins, flavanols, and caffeine derivatives, work wonders for your heart health. These bioactive ingredients lower hypertension, scavenge free radicals, and boost HDL levels in your plasma. The blood vessels and smooth muscles work better in the presence of cocoa because the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) is enhanced. In similar mechanisms, chocolate can keep you safe from fatal cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension, angina, etc. (8).

6. Improves Cognition And Memory

The antioxidant properties of catechin, quercetin, and epicatechin derivatives present in chocolate liquor can prevent neuronal injury and neuroinflammation. These phytochemicals are involved in the formation of long-term memory. Cocoa can also induce new nerve cell growth and increase blood flow in your brain – both of which can be neuroprotective. The effects suggest that chocolate and its precursors can manage dementia, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease effectively (6).

7. Reduces And Manages Inflammation

Making cocoa a habit can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals in your body, according to researchers. Theobromine, caffeic acid, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins, magnesium, copper, and other active constituents in cacao derivatives fight inflammation by reducing the activation of immune system cells, mainly monocytes and macrophages (9). Having foods rich in cocoa can prevent and cure chronic inflammatory disorders, namely, irritable bowel disease (IBD), asthma, Alzheimer’s, dementia, periodontitis, GERD, and various cancers. After reading about the benefits of cacao, cocoa powder, and unsweetened chocolate, I was in awe of how nature packs all the phytochemicals into such small (and bitter tasting) cacao nibs.

What’s The Take Home?

As I said, chocolate is pure bliss to me. But now, after knowing more about cacao, chocolate has become more than precious to me. The science and art that go into making chocolate from the bright cacao beans and the scale of this industry show how significant cacao has been across civilizations. Did you ever imagine that the bittersweet dark chocolate can uplift your mood, heal your wounds, protect your vital organs, build bones, and improve your memory as well? I’m sure, no. It almost sounds like an all-cover medical insurance plan! So, add a slab of pure 70-85% dark chocolate to your shopping cart right away. Make sure that you have at least two tiles of the dark chocolate every day. See the results for yourselves! Can I drink cacao at night? No. Cacao is a natural stimulant due its theobromine content (which increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness) (10). Is cacao healthier than coffee? Yes. Cacao is healthier than coffee due to the presence of theobromine. It can dilate blood vessels instead of shrinking them. What has more caffeine: coffee or cacao? Coffee has more caffeine than cacao. One cup of brewed cacao may contain 24 mg of caffeine, which is 25 percent of the amount of caffeine (80-100 mg) found in coffee. Does cacao cause insomnia? Yes. Although cacao contains a small amount of caffeine compared with coffee, it still causes insomnia in people sensitive to caffeine. Is 100 percent cacao good for you? Yes, 100 percent cacao contains protective antioxidants with many health benefits. It helps treat many ailments when consumed in moderation.
