Whispering sweet nothings into her ears may please her, but getting a love letter from you will take her breath away. You can jot down everything you love about your wife in a love letter and amaze her like never before. It will put a massive smile on her face and reassure her of how much you care about her. “My experience as a couples therapist has been people respect things actually written by their spouses or significant others”, says Darrell Reese, a licensed marriage and family therapist. However, if you are not good with words, writing a love letter for your wife can be a daunting task. So, here are 21 sample love letters for your wife written in various styles that you can use for inspiration and ideas when attempting your own. Check them out!

​ 21 Love Letters For Your Wife

Here are the 21 best templates you can take inspiration from before writing love letters to your wife.

1. Hello My Love,

This very moment that I decided to give words to my feelings, my heart is overflowing with the joy and love you make me feel with your presence. You are such an angel in my life, and I count myself as lucky and blessed to have you as my wife. Since the time you came into my life, I have grown to love you so much that I find myself anxious in your absence and constantly looking forward to seeing you each day. I am in awe of your beauty, intelligence, and confidence. Your love and kindness inspire me to become a better person each day. Your presence has such a positive and calming effect on my heart and soul that I cannot express it in words. Today, I want you to know that you are the most important person in my life, and you mean the world to me. I may not show my love to you every day, but always remember that my feelings towards you will never change. I love you so much. Yours only, [Your name]

2. Dear Wife,

I started believing in love only after I met you. I never thought in my life that I could fall head over heels in love with anyone until I met you. But, you proved me completely wrong. I cannot forget the day we met. It was a day like any other, and we met like two emotionally mature people who hit it off instantly and spoke so much about life, love, and emotions. Your loving nature, maturity, and emotional stability are just a few of the qualities that made me fall for you. Your presence had such a strong impact on me that it melted my heart. I will always remain thankful to you for not rushing things and patiently waiting until I could figure out my feelings for you. I promise to love you till eternity and will do everything to keep you happy. Your loving hubby, [Your name]

3. My Dear Wife,

I miss you so much, and your absence is making me revisit so many of our memories together. Do you remember the first time we met? And how nervous and excited I was when I wanted to ask you to marry me? How I hid that ring in my pocket? How I could hardly contain the excitement and wait to see your delight when I asked you to be my wife? You were and still are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. I feel blessed and cannot thank you enough for accepting me without trying to change me.You are truly a gift from God, and I am honored to be able to share my life with you. My life is so much happier because you are here with me. With all my love, Your husband.

​4. My Darling Wife,

Since you always complain that I hardly express my love to you, today I take this opportunity to tell you how I feel about you. On your birthday, I thought of giving you a beautiful gift by telling you my true feelings about you. You are not just my wife, but the light of my life too. You make my life beautiful in every possible way. I love you because of your pure heart, gorgeous personality and, above all, for the beautiful person you are. The support you have given me keeps me going strong without ever looking back. You have been a solid pillar of strength to me since the day we got married. Being in a relationship with you for ten years now is like the most wonderful ten-year-long date. Today, let me tell you how much I love you. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. You have been my biggest support system in the ups and downs of life, and I will always remain grateful for that. Your strength, faith, and love for me make me the strong man I am. So thank you for everything, my darling wife! I love you the most! Your loving husband.

5. My Dear Wife,

Over the years that we have been together, my love for you has multiplied many-fold. You are not just my life partner but also my best pal, my muse, and my everything. Yours is the only name that comes to my head when I am happy, and it is you with whom I want to share any good news and all my joy, excitement, and worries. The thought of seeing you cry makes me weak. Believe me – it kills me whenever I see you sad or cry. I always want to see you happy and would do anything and everything for it. Today, I also want to apologize to you for every time I made you feel bad and assure you that I will try to never repeat the same mistakes again. Whenever we fight, I feel guilty and want to embrace you and wipe all your tears, but sometimes my ego and pride take over. However, I want you to know that I do care for your feelings with all my heart. It is just that sometimes I do not show it to you. Please know that deep down, I will always love you and protect you till eternity. Yours forever, [Your name]

6. Dear Wife,

Today, I want to tell you what a beautiful woman you are. You are beautiful in not only your outward appearance but also your kind heart and wonderful demeanor. I am a happy man to have you as my wife, and sometimes I wonder what good I have done to deserve you in my life. I hold you in the highest regard and cherish our marriage like no one else. With you, our marriage has been a beautiful journey with its twists and turns. I am thankful for your unconditional love and everything else that you do for me. I am not lying when I say that you are an angel sent from above, and I am truly and deeply in love with you. Your loving husband.

​ 7. Dear [Her name],

While I know that I am neither a perfect man nor the most handsome one, you have never made me feel any less than Prince Charming, the man of your dreams. You have always loved, trusted, and supported me with all your heart. This has boosted my confidence and made me strive to try and be a good husband for you. I am truly blessed to have a supporting and loyal woman like you as my wife, and I feel so fortunate when I see my feelings reciprocated by you. Your maturity and sense of contentment, even when I do not measure up to your expectations, fill my heart with so much love and pride. I feel joyous whenever I find happiness in your eyes just to see me. My dream is to spend the rest of my life with you, loving, fighting, and making up.

Your darling husband.

​ ​ 8. My dear sweetheart,

For a long time, I wanted to write you a love letter and could not find a better time than now. You may find it childish, but if it brings a smile to your face, then why not? One way or the other, I wanted to give words to my feelings to tell you how much you mean to me. While we are in different cities right now, I can still picture you and your pretty face. I see your beautiful hair and the way it falls on your shoulders, the way you look at me lovingly, the way you wait for my calls, the way you smile, and how you look right before you laugh your heart out. Believe me when I say that I want to be next to you right now, hold you tight and give you a big hug. I can feel your presence dearly, even though you are far away from me right now. I love you with all my heart, my darling. Love, Your husband

​​ 9. My beloved wife,

Do you remember the time we met? It was such a magical moment when you professed your love for me, and I told you that I felt the same. I can never forget when you said ‘yes’ to my proposal, and we decided to spend the rest of our lives together. These are the moments I will forever cherish. You are the most stunning woman in the world, and for that, I consider myself the most fortunate man ever. Today, I also want to promise you that I will never let you down and always love you dearly. Irrespective of the circumstances, I promise to always be by your side and love you till eternity. Your ever-loving husband.

​10. Dear wifey,

We have seen so many ups and downs in our lives, and I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have you by my side, no matter what. Thank you, my love! I also want to thank you for being such a kind and loving mom to our kids and always making me want to become a better person. Sometimes, there are no words to express my love and gratitude, but I want you to know that I cannot imagine my life without you and your companionship. I feel very blessed to call you mine forever. Your love and support make me feel so happy. I love you dearly. Your husband.

​ 11.

This one is a perfect love letter to your wife who is far away. ​ My lovely wife, I want to send you much love, care, and fondness with this letter. Every time I realize that you are always there for me, I count my blessings. I will always love you and go far and beyond to let you know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You bring so much contentment and satisfaction to my soul and light and happiness to my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always motivating me, and thank you for always choosing to see only the best in me. My love for you is eternal, brighter than the brightest shining star and deeper than the deepest ocean. My sweetheart, I miss you so much right now that every time I think of you, you touch my soul. Eagerly waiting to be back with you. Yours only, [Your name]

12. My dear wife,

I love you so much, not just because you are my wife, but also because you are my best friend. You have and will always be the most special person in my life. Whatever the circumstances, good or bad, you are the first one who I remember. I can never thank you enough for tolerating my quirks, mood swings, rants, and so much more. You are the only one to whom I can tell even my darkest secrets and just be myself. Whenever I feel sad, I know you are there to hold me and cheer me up. Love you forever, my baby. Your loving husband.

​13. My sweetheart wife,

You are the most important reason for my happiness and joy. You are my whole wide world, my darling wife.  The strength I have got from you is so strong that no force in life can overcome it. Your charm, positivity, and laughter take away all my worries and make me a happier person. I can never forget the worst of times I faced in life and how you supported and loved me unconditionally. I love you beyond words, my darling wife, and no one can ever take your place. Even though forever is a very long time, I want to spend it only with you and nobody else. I love you so much. You are the best partner I could have asked for. You and your love are my only reason to live. Thank you for being the force in my life. Your hubby.


This is one of the best love letters for your wife. It can serve as a great starter for your own letter. ​ My dear wife,  I may not tell you this often enough, but you are my everything. My life has no meaning without you in it. Believe me when I say that it is only after I found you that I understood the true importance of a soulmate. On your special day today, I want to tell you that you mean the world to me. My darling wife, I love you so much. Seeing you sleeping peacefully by my side every night is the biggest blessing of my life. Your presence in my life gives me the utmost joy and happiness. Sharing my life with you has been nothing short of an adventure, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it holding your hand. With you beside me, I have the confidence that I can face any situation in life. Have the happiest birthday, my lovely woman. Your hubby.

​15. My dear life partner,

As we celebrate another anniversary together, I would like to go down memory lane and remember the day when we first met. It is so silly to think now that we started our conversation with an argument and left thinking we will never see each other again. But, destiny had other plans for us. We met again accidentally, and there was no going back. I am glad that day happened, and we had a great talk. Otherwise, I would have missed a wonderful and loving partner in life. What started as a chance meeting has continued for 15 amazing years. I cannot believe that we have been together for such a long time. Today, after spending so many years with you, when I look at you, I still see the same love and affection that I felt on that day. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and being my life partner all these years. I wish for a lifetime of togetherness with you. Your loving husband.


This is another great template for a sweet love letter for your wife. ​ My dearest wife, I never knew how happy and joyous life could be until I met you. I have never felt anything like this before, and I can confidently say that it is you that inspires it. Your companionship and love have made me a much stronger person. When I think about you and our relationship, I feel a certain warmth inside. I cannot help but feel fortunate even when we are apart. The connection that we share, my love, is special, and I wonder what I would have done without you in my life. Love you forever and always. Your loving husband.

17. Dearest wife,

I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy. I just want to let you know that even if it has been just a few hours that you are gone, I miss you already. Since we both hardly get any time from our busy schedules, I want to make an effort and find ways to rekindle our relationship. You are the biggest asset of my life. There has not been a single day when I was not thinking about you. You give so much meaning to my life and inspire me to become a better human being each day. The very thought of spending several days without seeing you is making me anxious. It feels like being single again, and it is something that I do not want. I am so proud that you are my wife, and I feel so excited with the thought of sharing my entire life with you. Your hubby.

​18. My darling [her name],

Today, I want to tell you how precious you are to me. Your presence brings so much happiness and light to our marriage and my life. I am glad that you are part of my life and that we built a beautiful life together with our adorable kids. I love, cherish, and respect you for who you are, and I want you to know that I am here for you always, no matter what. I am so glad that I chose to marry you. Regardless of any challenges we face, I am confident that we will get through them because of our love for each other. You can always count on me to support you. All my love, [Your name].

​19. My most favorite person,

I hope this letter brings a big smile to your face. You, the love of my life, are my favorite muse. I am not exaggerating a bit when I say that you are my everything. When we are not together, you are always in my heart and my thoughts. You give me so much strength and courage that you may not even know it. It is only for you that I would go through the most difficult things, and I am confident that our love for each other will survive every storm. You make me so very happy and content in life. The sky is bluer with you in my life, the grass is greener, and the birds are chirpier. Thank you for being you and always having my back. I love you so much. Your darling husband. Related Article – Famous French Love Quotes


Use this template if you are looking for a short love letter for your wife. My Princess, I sometimes cannot believe that we have been together for so many years, and it all still feels like yesterday. With you by my side, time seems to go by so fast. I will always cherish all the beautiful memories that we have made together. Life with you has been nothing short of a blessing! I know that our love has become the envy of all, and I would never change anything about the bond we share. Every day, I wake up with so many more reasons to fall in love with you all over again, and I never want to stop that feeling. Loving you has become a necessity for me, and I will always look for opportunities to sweep you off your feet. I adore you so much, my sweetheart. Only yours, [Your name]

21. My darling,

You always ask me why I love you, and I thought what could be better than writing this letter to let you know my feelings. I love you for so many reasons. I love you because you constantly remind me that I am the most important person in your life. I love you because you are such a good listener, and you are always willing to support all my aspirations, dreams, and so much more without questioning or doubting me. I love you because you know what I am feeling or thinking even before I say it aloud. I love you for your strength of character because you are incredibly strong, caring, and affectionate to not just me but everyone around you. I love you because you always wish and want the best for me, even when I do not even realize it myself. And above all, my darling wife, I love you because you are just you. With all my love, Your husband. How do you write an intimate love letter? Begin the letter with a personal greeting and express your affection for the recipient. Tell them why you are writing it and let them know how they make you feel. Read it several times to see if the gestures are correct and the words are not offensive. Exclude the content that you think might make the recipient uncomfortable. After this, write your final copy. Can a love letter save a marriage? It depends. Communication is an essential part of a relationship. Writing a heartfelt letter is an excellent way to communicate your sincere feelings toward your spouse. It is a way to make them reconsider the situation and y open the gates to reconciliation. However, do not rely solely on a letter, as saving a marriage takes a lot of dedication, love, sincerity, and commitment. How do I write a letter to save my marriage? The words must be genuine and reflect your sincerity. You may remind your spouse of the good times and show your commitment to protecting the relationship. Do not be afraid to express your fond feelings towards your partner.