What Is Hula Hooping All About?

Hula hooping is not a newly discovered way to stay fit. There is evidence that the ancient Greeks and Egyptians twirled hoops around their belly to have fun and maintain their fitness. It is a physical activity where you need to twirl the hoop around your waist, belly, arms, and legs. The average hula hoop for adults is about 45 inches in diameter and weighs around 2 pounds. The most amazing part is that it burns as many calories as you burn by doing kickboxing or aerobics. Depending on your weight, exercise duration, and intensity, you can burn up to 420 calories. Let’s get started with the hula hoop exercises and see what their benefits are.

The Hula Hoop Exercises

Before starting any exercise regimen, you must warm up. Here’s a fun warm-up routine. Warm-up Back Stretch

Stand straight with your hands on your waist. Roll your shoulders back and bend your upper body backward. Feel the stretch in your abs. Hold it for 3 seconds. Release and bend forward. Feel the stretch in your back. Repeat 10 times.

Side Stretch

Stand straight with your palms on your waist and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend on your left and then right. Repeat 10 times.

1. Standing Twist

The standing twist is a really good workout for the abs. Here’s how to do it. Steps To Do Standing Twist

2. Rolling Reach

The rolling reach is an effective exercise for your back and legs. It resembles driving, just that the steering here is pretty big. Here’s how to do it. Steps To Do Rolling Reach

3. Hula Hoop Arm Circles

This exercise works on the arms and shoulders. Here’s what you need to do. Steps To Do Hula Hoop Arm Circles

4. Tree Press

In this exercise, you use the hula hoop like a dumbbell. You will basically do tricep extensions with a little variation. Here are the steps. Steps To Do Tree Press

5. Hula Hoop V-sit

The V-sit is an easy exercise that helps to develop strong abs. Here’s how to do it. Steps To Do Hula Hoop V-sit

6. Hula Hoop Squat

Squats are an apt exercise for the hips and thighs, and adding a hula hoop helps you lose the extra fat on the hips. Here’s how to do it. Steps To Do Hula Hoop Squat

7. Hula Hoop Russian Twist

The Russian twist is an excellent exercise for the core. You can bring it up by a notch if you do it with a hula hoop. Here are the steps. How To Do Hula Hoop Russian Twist

8. Hula Hoop Exercise For The Shoulders And Chest

The hula hoop not only gives your hip and booty firmness and shape but is also useful for the torso and chest. Just circle the hoop around your upper body and leave it loose in circles without letting it fall off. Here’s a complete video on how to do it.

9. Knee Hooping

Knee hooping is a good workout for your thighs, hips, and knees. Just try balancing the hoop between your knees and do not allow it to fall off as you hula hoop. Here’s a video demonstration.

10. Hula Hoop Dance

The hula hoop dance workout can be just like an aerobic exercise. Using the hoop makes the steps more challenging and helps you sweat more. All you need is good music – let yourself free as you dance to the rhythm and shake your booty. Here’s an example.

These are the 10 hula hoop exercises. Let’s take a look at the benefits of doing these exercises.

Benefits Of Hula Hooping

Here are some common fitness and health benefits associated with hula hoops: Now, if you were to compare hula hooping with other workouts, where would it stand? Find out in the next section.

Hula Hoop Exercises Compared To Other Exercises

Experts have found that hula hoop exercises are good fat burners. As mentioned previously, you can burn up to 420 calories. Hula hoop exercises are the third best calorie burners after kickboxing and boot camp. They not only tone your entire body but also have a positive effect on your mind. Hula hooping is a new fitness trend. Long and exhausting gym sessions can sometimes be difficult to maintain, but hula hooping is a fun and exciting way to stay fit and in shape. So get your hula hoop today and start twirling! Good luck. Can hula hooping slim your waist? Yes. A 6-week study on hula hooping showed that regular hula hooping was associated with reduced waist and hip girth (1). How long should you hula hoop for exercise? You should start doing hula hooping for 5 minutes and gradually increase your workout to 20-30 minutes. Can a hula hoop make your stomach flat? The hula hoop is an excellent aerobic exercise that may make your stomach flat. Can hula hooping cause internal damage? No. The risk of internal damage seems very low with a hoop weight of under 2 pounds.
