This oil has been in use for centuries and by Native Americans and Egyptians. It is used to treat dandruff, scalp itching, and dryness. In this article, we explore the many benefits of rosehip oil for hair. We also tell you how you can use it and the precautions you need to take. Keep reading for more information.

How Does Rosehip Oil Boost The Health Of Your Hair And Scalp?

Your scalp needs moisturization – especially during winters. Since ancient times, people have used rosehip oil to keep fine lines and dandruff at bay. Besides, the use of rosehip oil on hair promotes the rejuvenation of hair follicles. Your hair grows stronger, resulting in reduced hair fall. Moreover, rosehip oil is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that revitalize skin and hair. The use of rosehip oil for hair growth is beneficial because:

Rosehip, the fruit that bears rosehip oil, is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is required for moisturizing the skin and eliminating free radicals (1).

Rosehip also contains a high percentage of linoleic acids and other fatty acids (2). These elements are essential for maintaining a healthy scalp.

Rosehip oil is packed with vitamin E and anti-inflammatory agents that are needed for nourishing your skin and hair (3).

The unique combination of vitamins A, E, and C found in rosehip oil is gaining popularity for maintaining beauty and vitality. Apart from that, rosehip essential oil may act as a natural conditioner for your scalp! Due to its hydrating properties, rosehip oil can be easily absorbed by your scalp (2). Therefore, it nourishes the hair roots from deep within. The possibility of using rosehip oil for hair regrowth is not far-fetched either since it may help renew your damaged scalp and restore the health of damaged hair. However, note that further research is required to support these theories.

Why Use Rosehip Oil For Hair Growth?

The role of rosehip oil for hair loss is gaining importance. Did you know that build-up in hair follicles is the primary cause of hair fall? However, the moisturizing and hydrating elements of rosehip oil do not cause build-up. They, in fact, reduce it. Naturally, regular usage leads to less hair fall, thereby paving the way for the growth of new hair. But, how does the build-up occur in the first place? The answer lies in the use of chemicals found in commercial shampoos and other hair products (4). It is difficult to completely wash out certain hair products, further blocking the hair follicles. The congested roots, in turn, do not allow hair growth. Prevent the gunk from accumulating in your hair follicles with these steps: The rosehip oil will dissolve the excess build-up, making it easier for you to completely wash it out. Also, if your hair feels too dry after shampooing, rosehip oil will pre-moisturize it.

Potential Benefits Of Rosehip Oil For Scalp Treatment

A healthier scalp is synonymous with healthier hair. Since rosehip oil is vital for the skin, it may help improve your scalp health as well. However, more research in this field may lead to the discovery of specific benefits of rosehip oil for the scalp. One cannot talk about hair care without scalp health. Using rosehip oil for hair minimizes sebum production – a primary cause of greasy scalp. Rosehip oil can also moisturize the flakes, which may, in return, treat a dry, itchy scalp. In fact, its rich fatty acid content does not clog the pores and cause excess build-up.

The Role Of Rosehip Oil In Managing Inflammatory Scalp Conditions

A study conducted on patients living with osteoarthritisi  X A type of arthritis that occurs due to deterioration of joint cartilage and underlying bone, causing joint pain and stiffness. found that not only does rosehip oil has the potential to reduce inflammation, but it can also minimize the patients’ pain (5). When it comes to inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and rosaceai  XA chronic skin condition that causes blushing or flushing, small, pus-filled bumps, and visible blood vessels on the facial skin. , the possibility of using rosehip oil for treatment is immense. It makes sense that such effects can be translated to treating inflammatory scalp conditions as well. However, this statement needs to be backed by more research. That said, if you are living with any of the aforementioned inflammatory skin conditions, consult your doctor before making changes to your skin care routine. When it comes to natural ingredients for hair, the options are limited, and rosehip oil certainly balances the act. Learn the many ways you can use rosehip oil on your hair and reap its benefits.

How To Use Rosehip Oil For Hair

You can use rosehip oil on your hair in multiple ways. The first method is to use a rosehip hair mask to nourish your hair ends and follicles. Let us see how:

I. How To Make A DIY Rosehip Oil Hair Mask

What you Need

Rosehip seed oil – 1 teaspoon Peppermint essential oil – 3 drops Jojoba oil – 2 tablespoon

Prep Time: 5 minutes What To Do Remember to wash your hair with cold water. This is because warm water leaves your hair cuticle open, which facilitates moisture loss. Therefore, it is important to seal the cuticles to lock in the moisture. Note: Rosehip oil hair mask can only be applied to clean, wet hair.

II. Rosehip Oil Hot Oil Massage

Many people like to warm up the rosehip oil before the application. You must, however, check the temperature so that you do not accidentally burn your scalp. Besides, too much heat can destroy its natural properties. You should use this method at your discretion as it is not backed by any scientific evidence.

III. Spot Treatment For Scalp

This is the first of two methods discussed earlier and is especially helpful for inflammatory skin conditions, dandruff, and scalp dryness. Follow these steps for spot treatment:

Massage your scalp with rosehip oil for a good 15 minutes. Put on a shower cap. Let it rest for half an hour. Rinse off the oil carefully and avoid contact with eyes. Allow your hair to dry naturally to obtain a smoother texture!

Again, if you have sensitive skin, it is best to discuss with your dermatologist before following this procedure. You can also use rosehip oil in combination with other natural ingredients. Check them out in the next section.

IV. Rosehip Oil Remedies

Did you know that you can mix rosehip oil with other essential oils for hair growth? Experimentation is good as long as you are careful. Here are some of the combinations you can try:

1. Rosehip Oil With Coconut Oil

You can mix pure coconut oil with rosehip oil for improved hair growth and scalp health. However, there is no scientific evidence backing this claim. Follow these steps before applying this mixture to your scalp:

2. Rosehip Oil, Almond Oil, Amla Oil, And Castor Oil

You can uncover the benefits of almond oil, amla oil, castor oil, and rosehip oil for hair growth with the following steps:

3. Rosehip Oil With Argan Oil

Argan oil is called ’liquid gold’ for a good reason. It can restore the glory of your hair by making it healthier, glossier, and stronger. Combining rosehip oil with argan oil is claimed to prevent hair fall due to the high vitamin E content in both ingredients.

4. Rosehip Oil With Jojoba Oil

By blending rosehip oil with jojoba oil, you can moisturize and nourish your hair, thereby giving it a more youthful appearance. Hence, it is especially recommended for people who have dull and brittle hair. However, there is no scientific evidence for these benefits. With a host of hair health benefits and various uses, consumers are gradually moving towards rosehip oil as a natural hair treatment option. Now, the final question arises: is rosehip oil good for your hair? We take a closer look.

Are There Any Side Effects?

It is quite evident that rosehip oil has skin-healing properties. Many studies have found it effective in treating inflammatory skin conditions. Although it is not meant to be a cure, it can relieve pain and inflammation. There is not much evidence that directly links rosehip oil with hair. Since your scalp health is very much linked with your hair health, the rosehip seed oil may prove beneficial after all. That said, you should always pick the organic variant of rosehip oil. There are some rare side effects that may be caused due to oil. Some of them include:

Crusty skin Skin rash Hives or redness Itchy skin

For this reason, you should always do a patch test by applying rosehip oil to a small area of your skin, preferably your elbow. If you develop an allergic reaction in the next 24 hours, it is best not to use the oil on the scalp.

Precautions When Using Rosehip Oil

If you do not observe any side effects, you can apply the oil to your scalp. While rinsing it off in the shower, make sure it does not get into your eyes. You should only apply rosehip oil topically, and never take it orally. However, even with topical application, consult your doctor if you:

Have pre-existing health conditions. Take medications that could cause drug interactions.

You should proceed with using rosehip oil on your hair only after checking with your doctor. Does rosehip oil thicken hair? You can use rosehip oil for your hair growth in combination with ingredients such as coconut, jojoba, or argan oil. In rare cases, rosehip oil may result in side effects such as hivesi  XRed, raised, splotchy, and itchy areas of skin that usually occur due to an allergic reaction to something. , skin rash, or itchy skin. So, it is recommended to consult your doctor before using it. Anecdotal evidence suggests that rosehip oil contains healthy nutrients that may nourish and thicken your hair. Does rosehip oil cause gray hair? No, there is no scientific evidence that suggests that rosehip oil causes gray hair. Is rosehip oil good for low porosity hair? Yes, rosehip oil is a lightweight oil with essential fatty acids and vitamins that penetrate your hair and hydrate it, making it ideal for low porosity hair.
