Our busy and hectic schedule leaves us very little time for an elaborate skin or hair care routine. But worry not because we are here to help. This post discusses some simple ways to add castor oil to your daily routine. Swipe up to read more about the DIY castor oil tricks that are healthy and affordable!

How Does Castor Oil Benefit Hair Growth?

Besides its antifungal and antibacterial properties, castor oil is packed with beneficial nutrients like proteins, minerals, and fatty acids, such as oleic, linoleic, stearic, and palmitic ricinoleic acids (1). It also contains natural compounds that promote hair growth.

Castor Oil Contains Vitamin E

Vitamin E works as a powerful antioxidant that conditions your lashes and keeps them from falling out. It also helps repair damage to hair follicles, which then promotes hair growth (2).

Castor Oil Is Rich In Ricinoleic Acid

Castor oil also contains naturally high levels of ricinoleic acid, an omega-9 essential fatty acid that thickens your lashes and stimulates lash growth (1), (3). Wondering if it is safe? Check out the next section!

Castor Oil For Eyelashes – Is It Safe?

As opposed to the wide range of eyelash growth products in the market, which may or may not have side effects, castor oil is a natural ingredient. Much like an all-natural conditioner and at a moderate dosage, it works fine without any side effects. Even if a little bit gets into your eye, it does not cause any damage. It only blurs your vision if you apply an excess amount (in which case, you can wash it off). The trick to keeping it from getting in your eyes is simple – apply it with precision and in small amounts. If you want to know more about how to use it the correct way, keep scrolling.

How To Use Castor Oil For Eyelashes

There is more than just one way you can use castor oil on your lashes and brows. Below are five of the most effective ways that you can combine castor oil with other wholesome ingredients to make a DIY lash serum right at home. The best time to apply it is at night as this allows more time for the oil to saturate your lashes, and you will wake up with healthier lashes in the morning.

DIY Methods For Natural Eyelash Growth

1. Pure Castor Oil Mask – The Simple Method

This is the easiest method to nourish your lashes with nothing but castor oil.

2. Glycerin And Egg White Method

Create your own natural eyelash serum with the help of two ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen cabinet. Glycerin is popular for its moisturizing properties, and egg whites are known for their high protein content (4).

3. Castor Oil And Olive Oil Combo

Olive oil is a rich source of vitamins A and E, and it is also packed with tons of antioxidants (5). Combining castor oil and olive oil is highly beneficial as your lashes soak up the benefits of both of these wonderful oils.

4. Castor Oil And Sweet Almond Oil Combo

Sweet almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E, essential fats, magnesium, and calcium (6). When you use it over a period, it adds a significant shine and luster to your lashes, making them thicker, stronger, and longer. Combining almond oil and castor oil is a surefire way to help your lashes achieve quicker results. Pro Tip: Create a miracle lash serum by adding a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil to this solution.

5. Vaseline, Coconut Oil, And Castor Oil Serum

Petroleum jelly is an incredible conditioning and moisturizing agent for dry and brittle lashes. Coconut oil is rich in nutrients that will help make your lashes dark, soft, and shiny (7).

How Long Does It Take For Eyelashes To Grow Back With Castor Oil?

The only way to achieve effective results with castor oil is to use it every night religiously. To give you an average estimate, it takes about 3-6 months for eyelashes to grow back and for you to notice a significant change in their thickness, length, and overall appearance.

Castor Oil Eyelash Growth Results: Before & After

Works like a charm! However, there are some precautions that you need to take to while using castor oil. Check them out below!

Side Effects Of Castor Oil For Eyelashes

Castor oil is not known to cause any severe side effects when used in moderate amounts on your eyelashes. However, it may cause blurry vision and irritation if it seeps into your eyes. The best way to prevent this is to apply it with care and precision to avoid getting it into your eye. Can I put castor oil on my eyelashes every day? Check out the easy methods by which you can use castor oil for eyelashes in the infographic below. Yes, you need to apply castor oil to your eyelashes every day to achieve the desired results. Does castor oil darken the lashes? Yes, castor oil may help improve the luster and color of your lashes (8). Mixing castor oil with ingredients like coconut oil may help darken the lashes.
