Most healthy people pass gas 13-21 times per day (1). While this may sound like a lot, most farts are almost undetectable and odorless. Farting every day is considered normal, but farting all the time is not. Most of the gas that you pass is due to swallowing air. We swallow air unknowingly while eating or drinking throughout the day. Other gases are produced by the intestines while digesting food. If you swallow a lot of air throughout the day, it will result in excessive farting. If your fart smells, it is due to the breakdown of food into hydrogen sulfide. This may result in your fart smelling like rotten eggs. Increased intake of certain sulfur-rich foods like cabbage, alcohol, asparagus, coffee, chicken, dairy, and cucumber can also produce smelly farts. The following are factors that could be contributing to increased production of gas in your intestines.

What Is Causing You To Fart?

As mentioned earlier, swallowing air throughout the day is one of the main causes of excessive farting. Other causes of gas production are:

Breakdown of consumed food by the gut bacteria Certain medications like aspirin Food allergies or intolerance Medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, celiac disease, and indigestion

Your diet may also have a role to play if you have been farting excessively.

What Foods To Avoid To Stop Farting?

Certain foods can cause you to produce more gas. Carbohydrate-rich foods that contain lactose, fructose, starch, and insoluble fiber tend to ferment in the large intestine and release gas. Foods that are known to cause excessive gas are (2):

Beans and green leafy veggies like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and broccoli Onions and garlic Fruit juices and fruits like pears and artichokes Soft drinks and carbonated beverages Dairy products Potatoes, corn, wheat, and other starchy foods

Even though these foods can cause you to fart more, they should not be eliminated from your diet as they are very important for your health and well-being. However, you may choose to limit their intake. You can also eat smaller and frequent meals instead of three large ones to prevent flatulence. In addition to modifying your diet, here are some tips you can follow to stop farting.

7 Ways To Stop Farting Quickly

1. Eat Slowly

Swallowing air while eating, drinking, and talking can cause gas and farting. This is especially the case when a person eats too quickly. Instead, eat slowly and mindfully to reduce the amount of air you swallow (2).

2. Quit Smoking

Every time you take a puff from a cigarette, you also swallow a lot of air along with it. E-cigarettes are no exception. In general, those who smoke or use any tobacco products are more likely to experience flatulence and farting as compared to those who don’t (3).

3. Exercise Regularly

Inactivity can lead to the build-up of gas in your stomach. Doing mild to moderate exercises regularly can enhance gas clearance and reduce incidences of farting (4).

4. Treat Constipation

Gas and bloating are symptoms associated with constipation (5). Hence, if your flatulence is a result of constipation, it is advised that you treat the condition to solve the problem.

5. Avoid Chewing Gum

The key ingredient in many sugar-free gums is hexitol. Ingestion of this ingredient, even in small amounts, has been associated with gas and bloating (6). Therefore, if you are among those who chew too much gum, you may want to cut down on them to stop flatulence.

6. Identify Food Intolerances And Allergies

Certain food allergies and intolerances may also be responsible for excessive gas. However, this may vary from one person to another. Make a note of foods that you are allergic or intolerant to. You can also determine which food is causing gas in your system. For this, you need to first eliminate all gas-producing foods from your diet. Introduce these foods back in, one at a time, to identify the culprit. You can either avoid or limit your intake of the food that has been causing flatulence.

7. Take Probiotics And Enzyme Supplements

While probiotics can modify the composition of the gut flora and reduce intestinal gas, digestive enzyme supplements can help in relieving gastrointestinal symptoms by enhancing digestion (7), (8). Hence, you can try any of these to manage flatulence. Can you fart in your sleep? Hope you found this post helpful. What do you do to deal with flatulence? Let us know in the comments section below. Yes, it is normal to pass gas in your sleep. Do you fart more with age? Yes, there may be an increase in flatulence and farting with age. A slower metabolism, reduced strength of stomach muscles leading to the slower passage of food matter through the intestines, and a lack of digestive enzymes may lead to more flatulence in older people. Does ginger help with farting? Yes, ginger may help reduce farting as it can help relieve bloating and constipation (9). However, excess consumption of ginger may have the opposite effect and increase digestive issues. Do bananas make you fart? Bananas are a source of soluble fibers and hence may cause gas and bloating in individuals with existing digestive issues.
