10 Easy Ways To Make Yourself Sneeze

Home Remedies To Help You Sneeze

1. Exposure To Sunlight

Yes, sunlight is known to induce sneezing in about 18-35% of the population in the U.S. This phenomenon is more commonly termed as photic sneeze reflex. And if you are already on the verge of sneezing, exposure to sunlight can solve your problem in a jiffy – as about 1 in 3 people who were about to sneeze already were found sneezing soon after being exposed to sunlight. Although the exact reason sunlight exposure causes sneezing is unclear, the number of induced sneezes is observed to be mediated genetically and can be easily predicted within a family (1).

2. Sniff Some Pepper

Ground pepper, be it black or white, can stimulate sneezing. When you inhale a small amount of this spice, it can irritate the lining of your nose, causing you to sneeze. Pepper contains a compound called piperine, which can irritate your nose by triggering the nerve endings inside the mucous membrane within. This, in turn, can cause you to sneeze as your nose tries to get rid of the foreign substance that has entered it (2),(3).

3. Use A Tissue

Wiggling anything inside your nose is another sure shot way to stimulate a sneeze. Just take a tissue and roll it into a point before inserting it into your nose and wiggling it a bit. You will sense a ticklish feeling inside your nose and start sneezing almost immediately. When you wiggle a tissue in your nose, it triggers the trigeminal nerve within. This trigger is sent to the brain, and as a result, your brain prompts you to sneeze (4).

4. Rub The Roof Of Your Mouth

You can also trigger a sneeze by rubbing the roof your mouth with the tip of your tongue. All you have to do is press the tip of your tongue to the top of your mouth and slide it as far as possible until you find the exact spot that triggers a sneeze. The trigeminal nerve also runs along the roof of your mouth (5). And rubbing the roof of your mouth with your tongue can stimulate this nerve and induce sneezing.

5. Eat Chocolate

This is one of the best ways to induce sneezing while enjoying it. Eat a piece of dark chocolate (or any other chocolate with extra cocoa) and watch yourself sneeze. Those who do not eat much chocolate might have more success through this method than those who eat more of it. Although the exact cause of why chocolate with extra cocoa induces sneezing is unknown, it could be a natural reaction of your body to the extra foreign particles (cocoa) entering your body.

6. Chew Gums

Chewing on one or two gumsticks, which are mint-flavored, can also stimulate sneezing. Inhalation of the strong mint flavor from a gum is what induces the sneeze. Sneezing induced by inhalation of a strong mint flavor is a result of the overstimulation of any of the nerves close to the trigeminal nerve. And as already discussed before, triggering the trigeminal nerve can prompt one to sneeze.

7. Pull Out A Nose Hair

The mere thought of pulling out a hair from your nose can make your nose feel itchy. So, the next time you are unable to get yourself to sneeze, just go ahead and pull a hair out of your nose. Plucking a hair out of your nose stimulates the trigeminal nerve, and this is what makes you sneeze almost instantly. You can also stimulate a sneeze by plucking your eyebrows (due to the same reason) (6).

8. Sniff A Strong Perfume

Most of you might have experienced sudden waves of sneezing by being exposed to any strong perfumes or sprays. Simply spraying a strong perfume or spray around you can irritate the lining of your nose and cause you to sneeze. When the droplets of a strong perfume come close to your nostrils, it can irritate the lining of your nose and trigger the trigeminal nerve, hence prompting you to sneeze. Do not spray the perfume directly on your nostrils.

9. Inhale Cold Air

One tends to sneeze more when it is cold. Hence, if you want to induce a sneeze, just turn on your air conditioner and inhale some cold air. Inhaling cold air, yet again, stimulates the trigeminal nerve and also irritates the lining of your nose. As a result of these, you may begin to sneeze almost instantly (7).

10. Drink Carbonated Soft Drinks

That itchy feeling inside the nose soon after opening a soft drink is something many of us can relate to. Inhaling the carbon dioxide from carbonated drinks or even drinking them can stimulate sneezing. All you have to do is get hold of your favorite carbonated soft drink and drink it as soon as you open it. When you open a can of carbonated drink, the carbon dioxide in it enters your nostrils and causes you to sneeze. Why does sneezing feel good? Sneezing usually feels good because it causes your body to release chemicals called endorphins. These react with the receptors in your brain and trigger a positive feeling in your body What causes one to sneeze? Sneezing is your body’s way to get rid of a foreign particle that has entered your nose. If the lining of your nose is irritated by something, a message is sent to your brain regarding the same, and this prompts you to sneeze. How to make a baby sneeze? Babies are usually made to sneeze by spraying some drops of a saline solution into their nostrils. This clears the mucus build-up in their noses and makes them sneeze. You can also tickle your baby’s nostrils using a tissue or handkerchief to induce sneezing. Should you hold a sneeze? Sneezing is a respiratory reflex that helps us eliminate irritants in the nasal tract, such as bacteria and viruses. Therefore, never try to hold a sneeze. Can you sneeze in your sleep? No, sneezing is involuntary and usually happens when you are conscious. You cannot sneeze in a deep sleep ( also called REM sleep). However, there is a possibility if you are in a light sleep.