Why Is My Period So Late?

Women mostly complain about getting their period late. It can make you doubt that you might be pregnant. However, you can get your period late or miss it for reasons not necessarily related to pregnancy. These causes can range from hormonal imbalance to underlying conditions. Hormonal changes and conditions such as PCOS, stress, excess weight, thyroid disorders, etc. can be the cause of a late menstrual cycle. Usually, a woman has irregular periods when she begins her first cycle, and when she reaches menopause. Around both these times, it is relatively normal to have an irregular cycle. Let us now see what causes an early period.

What Causes Your Period To Start Early?

It is considered fairly normal if you get an early period once in a while. But if you get an early period regularly, you might have to consult your doctor. A woman’s menstrual cycle can be affected by factors such as a change in lifestyle, intense workout, stress, or any other underlying conditions. Sometimes, none of these causes might be contributing to an early period. In such cases, medical intervention is advised. The major causes of an early period include:

Imbalance In Hormone Levels: The menstrual cycle is governed by changes in the level of hormones in your body. However, if there is an undesirable change in these levels owing to birth control pills, you can get your period early. Menopause: As you approach menopause, you will have an irregular period that lasts for fewer days than usual. Poor Diet: Lack of a balanced diet can directly affect the regularity of your menstrual cycle. Medication: Medication like birth control pills or an emergency contraception drug may cause your period to start earlier as it affects the level of hormones in your body. Intense Workout: An intense workout affects your menstrual cycle when the number of calories burned exceeds what you have eaten. If your body doesn’t have the energy it needs, it cannot produce the right amount of reproductive hormones needed to ovulate. Stress: Stress can also cause your period to come earlier as it can interfere with the normal levels of hormones in your body.

Let us now look at the factors that put you at risk of getting an early period.

Risk Factors

Women who have an early period effectively have two periods in a month. Following are the factors that can increase your risk of getting an early period:

A family history of cysts, fibroids, or early menopause can make you susceptible to an early period. Lower abdominal pain that lasts for a few days Heavy flow during periods Pain during intercourse

How can you tell if your period is coming? Look out for the following symptoms.

Symptoms Your Period Is Coming

Abdominal Cramps

Abdominal cramps are caused by contractions in the uterine wall, and this is called dysmenorrhea. It usually starts in the days leading to your period and can last throughout your cycle. Some women do not feel these cramps at all, while others feel a high-intensity pain that can hamper all their activities. Cramps originate in the lower abdomen and can travel all the way down to your thighs and up to your mid-back. Sometimes, cramps can be associated with conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroid, endometriosis, etc. In such cases, the pain can be more intense. These cramps are known as secondary dysmenorrhea.


Breakouts are common as you approach your cycle. This is because, as you near your period, your body undergoes hormonal changes. This causes the appearance of acne, pimples, or zits on your face, neck, or back.

Tender Breasts

During the first and second halves of menstrual cycles, your body releases estrogen and progesterone respectively. Around ovulation, when the level of progesterone increases, your breasts enlarge and can feel tender, lumpy, and swollen. For some women, these symptoms can be very mild, while they can cause a lot of discomfort in others.


Hormonal changes near your period can cause bloating. This bloating can be attributed to increased retention of water and salt in your body.

Bowel Issues

Bowel movement is susceptible to hormonal changes. You may experience the following problems as you near your period: nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, or constipation. You are most likely to feel nauseous or constipated as you get closer to your date.


When you are nearing your period, estrogen levels in your body rise. This can trigger the increase in serotonin that can set off migraines and headaches. This can cause migraines in women who are prone to headaches.

Mood Swings

We are all well aware of the emotional symptoms of PMS. These include mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and depression. The hormonal changes are responsible for this. While having an early period once in a while is fine, if it happens frequently, you need to consult a doctor.

When To See Your Doctor

If the early period persists and you are in serious pain or discomfort, you must visit your gynecologist. Also, if you have had a history of a miscarriage, consult your doctor for immediate medical help. We now know the basic facts regarding getting an early period. Let us move on to explore the natural methods of inducing an early period.

Natural Ways To Induce Period

1. Papaya

Papaya has uterotonic properties, which means it stimulates contraction of the uterus (1). This may help in inducing your period early. However, there is no scientific evidence to back this claim. You Will Need

1 ripe papaya

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Drink this juice once daily in the days leading up to your period.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid can increase estrogen levels in your body (2). Estrogen regulates your menstrual cycle. Vitamin C can decrease progesterone levels in your body, which results in premature shedding of the uterine lining and may cause an early period. Caution: You must take supplements in the dosage as prescribed by your doctor as overdose can lead to dangerous side effects.

3. Pineapple

Pineapples have uterotonic properties and can induce uterine contractions in women (3). This helps facilitate the shedding of the uterine lining and causes your period to come faster. However, it is important to note that there is no scientific research suggesting that pineapples can induce an early period. You Will Need

1 bowl of pineapples

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Have it once a day as you near your period.

4. Carrots

Carrots contain beta-carotene and other bioactive compounds that can help you get an early period by inducing the shedding of your uterine lining (4). However, there is lack of scientific evidence to back this up. You Will Need

A bowl of fresh carrots

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can follow this remedy1-2 times daily as you near your period.

5. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seed extract can function as an emmenagogue (5), (6). This means that it may increase the flow of blood from the uterus, thus inducing an early period. More research is needed to establish fennel seeds as an effective remedy to induce a period. You Will Need

2-3 cups of boiled water 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can follow this remedyat regular intervals in the day.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranates can regulate the phasic activity of the menstrual cycle, thereby ensuring a regular period (7). Their estrogenic activity may help in inducing an early period. But this remedy lacks scientific backing. You Will Need

A bowl of pomegranate that is peeled

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can follow this remedyonce daily before your period date.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric contains a bioactive compound called curcumin that works an emmenagogue (8). It may help you get your period faster by stimulating the blood flow to your uterus. However, there is no scientific research to establish this. You Will Need

A glass of boiled water 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can follow this remedy1-2 times daily about 1 week before your period date.

8. Parsley Leaves

Parsley is a rich source of bioactive compounds that may increase the estrogenic activity in your body. It is also an excellent antispasmodic agent that can reduce the pain due to uterine contractions during an early period (9). You Will Need

Parsley leaves

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can follow this a week or 10 days before your period.

9. Coffee

Caffeine is the major component of coffee. It is known to exhibit properties that stimulate estrogenic activity (10). However, there is lack of scientific evidence that states that caffeine can help in inducing a period. You Will Need

1 cup of brewed coffee

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Have slightly more coffee than you usually would until you get your period. Caution: Do not consume excess coffee after your period due to the high content of caffeine.

10. Castor Oil

Ricinoleic acid is a major component of castor oil. It is known to induce uterine contractions (11). This, in turn, may induce an early period. You Will Need

Warm compress 1/2 tablespoon of castor oil

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can do this two times daily a week before your period.

11. Ginger

Ginger is rich in bioactive compounds that can increase body heat and induce an early period (12). It exhibits antispasmodic properties that help alleviate other menstrual symptoms like abdominal cramps (13). You Will Need

1/2 tablespoon of ginger juice Honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Follow this remedy two times daily a few days before your actual period date.

12. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds contain bioactive compounds that can induce and regularize menstrual flow (14). Hence, consumption of sesame seeds may cause an early period. You Will Need

1 teaspoon of sesame seeds

What You Have To Do Consume a teaspoon of sesame seeds with honey. How Often You Should Do This You can follow this two times daily for about two weeks before your period. What are the exercises to get periods immediately? Check out the infographic below for some remedies to help relieve menstrual cramps. You can try abdominal exercises like crunches, squats, pelvic twists, etc. to induce an early period. However, there are no studies to prove that these exercises induce periods. What to eat if you don’t get your period? Consume foods rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients. You can also consume ginger, cinnamon, dates, sesame seeds, etc. Why did I get my period twice? Your menstrual cycle is usually 21-35 days long. If you have a shorter cycle, the chances are that you can get your period twice a month, but if you experience bleeding outside of this cycle, it could be due to conditions like cysts, fibroid or even stress. How likely are you to get pregnant right after your period? Right after your period, your chances of getting pregnant are relatively lower. However, if you ovulate early after your period, you are more likely to get pregnant if you do not use a contraceptive. When does your period begin again after an abortion? An abortion can start a fresh cycle of your period. You can expect to be on your period about 4-8 weeks after undergoing an abortion. How can you get periods early to avoid pregnancy? For this, you can take birth control pills prescribed by your doctor. Alternatively, you could try any of the remedies mentioned above to get an early period. What foods make your period heavier? Beetroots, honey, coffee, dairy products, and chocolates may trigger blood flow and make your period heavier. How long is normal for the late period? You can consider your period late if you have had no menstrual flow for 6 weeks or more. Does eating ice cream make your period worse? Yes. Intake of sugary foods like chocolates, ice creams, and sweets may make your period worse (15). Can lack of sleep cause late periods? Yes. Lack of sleep can cause late periods. Sleep disturbance and decreased melatonin secretions can cause hormonal disturbances that result in late periods (16).
