What Is A Shoe Bite?

A shoe bite is the wear and tear of skin as a shoe rubs against your feet. This friction leads to blisters and swelling in your feet. It is more common with shoes that are tight or ill-fitting. Shoe bites can be extremely uncomfortable and also cause pain. They often hurt more when you stand up or walk. These usually occur behind your ankles or near your toes. They look like rashes or calluses. Sometimes, these calluses may even be filled with pus.

What Causes Shoe Bites?

Ill-fitting shoes are the primary cause of shoe bites. Generally, people tend to buy shoes without properly considering the dimensions of their feet. This can cause your feet to rub against the shoes. This, in turn, leads to swelling, blisters, and scars on your feet. Sometimes, the sweat from your feet can also cause the shoes to rub against the skin, causing shoe bites. Women are more susceptible to shoe bites than men as they tend to wear tight and narrow shoes that can leave blisters and scars on their feet. The first measure you can take towards healing a shoe bite is to avoid wearing the shoes causing it. You can also use certain home remedies to alleviate the pain.

Natural Ways To Treat Shoe Bites At Home

1. Aloe Vera

Several studies have shown that aloe vera possesses anti-inflammatory and healing properties (1). This can help reduce the blisters on your feet. Aloe vera contains glucomannan, which can help promote faster healing. ½ teaspoon of aloe vera gel You can repeat this remedy two times a day.

2. Olive Oil

The bioactive compounds in olive oil exhibit anti-inflammatory properties (2). These properties can help reduce the inflammation around the shoe bite.

2-3 drops of olive oil 1-2 drops of almond oil (as a carrier oil)

Repeat this remedy two times a day until the inflammation reduces.

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste contains menthol, an important component that acts as an analgesic and reduces the pain caused by shoe bite (3).

½ teaspoon of toothpaste A clean cotton pad

You can use this remedy one to two times daily.

4. Honey

Honey exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help reduce the inflammation around the shoe bite. These properties also prevent further infection (4).

A sterile cotton ball or gauze 1 tablespoon of honey

Repeat 3-4 times daily.

5. Coconut Oil And Camphor

Coconut oil exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (5). The lauric acid in coconut oil possesses antimicrobial properties (6). Camphor has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties (7). Together, they can help in alleviating swelling in the affected foot and prevent further infection.

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil 1 teaspoon of camphor

You can do this two times daily.

6. Neem And Turmeric

The active compounds in neem leaves and turmeric (curcumin) can help reduce inflammation and infection. This is due to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties (8), (9).

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder A handful of neem leaves A few drops of water

Do this two times daily.

7. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is moisturizing. It is also known as petrolatum, and it exhibits antimicrobial properties that promote healing (10). A tablespoon of petroleum jelly You can repeat this until your shoe bite is healed. Treating shoe bites is that simple, and these remedies can give you the much-needed relief. But preventing shoe bites is always better, right?

How Can I Prevent Shoe Bites?

As we have already discussed, ill-fitting shoes are the primary cause of shoe bites. Here are a few ways you can prevent a shoe bite: Say goodbye to all the worries that tag along when you are out shopping for the perfect shoe! How do you manage shoe bites? Any tips you would like to share? Post your ideas in the comments box below. Why do new shoes hurt? New shoes could hurt if they do not fit you well. Also, the material of new shoes is rather stiff until the shoes are used well. So, to soften the edges, you can apply some oil for a couple of days before wearing them. Can a particular type of footwear give me shoe bites? Closed shoes like sneakers, bellies, pumps, or oxfords could cause shoe bites as they could rub against your skin. Does Vaseline stop shoes from rubbing? Yes, Vaseline can be a great solution to prevent friction in new shoes. When breaking in new footwear, using Vaseline in common rubbing spots like the back of the heels or side toes may prevent blisters. How do you break into new shoes fast? A few simple hacks to break in new shoes to keep in mind are – • Wear the shoes often to stretch the material of the footwear. • Put the shoes out in the sun or use a dryer to stretch the shoe fabric. • Place frozen bags inside the shoes to reduce stiffness. Which socks prevent blisters? Since moisture plays a vital role in causing blisters, opt for socks made of materials like Merino wool or fabrics like polyester to prevent blisters. How long does it take to break into new shoes? The duration varies from footwear to footwear and depends on factors like shoe material, how often the shoes are worn, etc. It may take an approximate break-in period of 3-4 weeks. Why do my shoes give me blisters on my heels? Blisters are caused due to friction between the skin and footwear surface. The most common areas that come under this category are heels, soles, and toes of the feet.
