What Are Genital Warts?

Genital warts are soft warts that appear on your genitals that can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. The warts are sexually transmitted and caused by some strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infections are the most common of all the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Both men and women who are sexually active are vulnerable to the complications of HPV, like in the case of genital warts. HPV infections are especially threatening for women because some types can cause cancer of the cervix and vulva. Note: STD is the most commonly used term for the collection of medical infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. However, STI is a sexually transmitted infection that may or may not develop into a full-blown STD. Genital warts can be transmitted from one individual to another through sexual activities that involve skin-to-skin contact. These warts may also occur in other parts of the body that have been in contact with an affected area. Such warts are not always visible to the human eye and even though they may be very small they are still infectious. The tops of such warts are usually smooth and slightly bumpy, giving them a cauliflower appearance. The common signs and symptoms associated with genital warts are discussed below.

Signs And Symptoms

Genital warts can occur in clusters or as a single wart. In females, genital warts most commonly occur:

In the vagina or anus In the area outside the vagina or anus On the cervix

In males, the warts usually appear on the:

Penis Scrotum Thighs Groin Inside or in the area around the anus

Other than the appearance of warts, other symptoms that are noticed in the affected individuals are:

Discharge from the vagina Bleeding Burning Itching

In some cases, genital warts can also spread and become enlarged. This may cause discomfort and also turn out to be quite painful. Sometimes, such warts may also appear on the lips, mouth, throat, or tongue of those who have had oral sexual contact with an infected person. Let us now look into the factors known to cause or increase your risk of developing genital warts.

Causes And Risk Factors

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus virus (HPV). While there are 30-40 HPV strains known to affect the genitals, just a few of them actually cause genital warts. HPV infections are highly contagious and can be easily transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. This is why they are considered to be sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). But, the human papillomavirus does not always lead to genital warts. In most cases, it’s an STI, and the virus goes away on its own without causing any significant health problems or complications. It is also important to note that the HPV strains that cause genital warts are different from those that cause warts in other body parts. Also, warts cannot spread from an infected individual’s genitals to their hands or vice versa. Some factors may also increase your risk of developing genital warts. They are:

Age – Younger adults below 30 years of age are at a higher risk. Smoking tobacco Weak immune system A history of child abuse An infected mother – Mothers can pass the virus to their children during childbirth or breastfeeding.

If you have genital warts and want to work with some natural ways to get rid of them, here are some home remedies that may help.

5 Home Remedies For Genital Warts

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Genital Warts

1. Tea Tree Oil

3 drops of tea tree oil 2 teaspoons of coconut oil Cotton swabs

You can do this one time daily. Tea tree oil possesses antiviral properties. It was found to be effective in treating hand warts in a pediatric patient (1). Therefore, it may also help in treating genital warts. Consult a doctor before you use tea tree oil as it can burn the skin.

2. Garlic

2-3 garlic cloves Cotton swabs

You can do this once daily. Garlic possesses antiviral activities that can help inhibit the proliferation of virus-infected cells that leads to the development of warts, such as genital warts (2). Caution Garlic can also burn the skin, so be ready to remove the garlic mash before the time is up if the area starts to burn.

3. Green Tea Extract

Used green tea bags You can do this once daily. Green tea extract contains catechins like polyphenon E that are found to be effective in the treatment of genital warts (3).

4. Aloe Vera

1-2 teaspoons of freshly extracted aloe vera gel Cotton swabs

You can do this 1-2 times daily. Aloe vera contains the antiviral malic acid (4). Malic acid is used in many formulations to treat recurring warts (5). Therefore, topical application of aloe vera may also be effective in treating genital warts.

5. Vitamins

Topical formulations that contain certain vitamins can also help in getting rid of genital warts. A topical vitamin D3 derivate was found to be helpful in treating anogenital warts (6). Vitamin A was found to be effective when applied topically to common warts (7). Oral vitamins that have been researched in the treatment of genital warts include Vitamin A, methylated folate, and methylated Vitamin B 12. Vitamin A, topical and oral, is the most well researched remedy for genital warts. Note: It is best to consult a doctor before using these topical formulations. Here are some additional tips that can help prevent further outbreaks. These tips may also help prevent the infection in those who have never had an HPV infection. Note: If you wish to combine these remedies, it is best to use one that has a tendency to burn (like tea tree oil or garlic) with a soothing remedy (like aloe or vitamin creams).

How To Prevent Genital Warts

Use a latex condom or dental dam before any kind of sexual contact. Avoid having multiple sexual partners. Make sure that your sexual partner is not suffering from genital warts. Avoid using utensils that may have come in contact with an infectious wart.

Note: A dental dam is a thin, flexible piece of latex that can protect against direct mouth-to-genital or mouth-to-anus contact during oral sex. Did you find this article helpful? Don’t forget to tell us in the comments below. Check the infographic below to learn the things you should avoid if you have genital warts. How long does it take to get genital warts? Genital warts may not appear right after you have been exposed to the virus. It may take anywhere between 3 weeks to 18 months for the virus to result in visible symptoms like genital warts. However, even if it is invisible, it can be infectious. What will happen if genital warts are left untreated? Genital warts may either disappear, remain same in size, or grow in size as well as numbers if left untreated. This can make it quite uncomfortable for the affected individual. It also increases the risk of the infection being passed on to others. Can genital warts kill you? While genital warts may increase your risk of developing other diseases, they will not kill you. Is there a test for genital warts? Your doctor may either look at the appearance of the warts and conclude that you have genital warts or go ahead with a biopsy test to find out which strain of HPV is causing the warts. A pap test and acetic acid test may also be carried out to diagnose genital warts. What do genital warts look like? The appearance of genital warts is often compared to that of little pieces of cauliflower. These bumps are either skin-colored or slightly darker and may occur as a single wart or in clusters. Are all genital warts STDs? Yes, all genital warts are sexually transmitted and caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). What can be mistaken for genital warts? Since moles, genital skin tags, or penile pearly papules look similar to genital warts, they can be easily mistaken for the latter. How long do genital warts last? It depends on the course of treatment, your immunity, and the presence of HPV in your body. Usually, it may last anywhere from a few months to close to 2 years. What makes genital warts worse? Cuts, scratches, repeated irritation, or pressure may worsen genital warts. Avoid using hair removal techniques like waxing or shaving to prevent any abrasions near warts. Can you get genital warts from a toilet seat? Possibly not. The causative virus spreads through skin-to-skin contact.
