Several properties in this oil provide relief from sore muscles, itchiness, headaches, sunburns, and dental issues. You can also use it to eliminate rodents and pests around your home. The health benefits of peppermint oil include treating gastrointestinal conditions like nausea, flatulence, stomach cramps, and IBS. In addition, peppermint has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that might make hair and skin healthy. This article discusses the benefits of peppermint oil, its recommended dosage, and any potential side effects. Take a look.

What Is Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is extracted from the stem, leaves, and flowers of the peppermint plant. It is used extensively in aromatherapy. Edible-grade peppermint oil is used for consumption. Peppermint oil is pale yellow in color and contains omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A and C, potassium, manganese, and copper. The main volatile components of peppermint essential oil are menthol and menthone (1). Peppermint oil also has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and carminative properties. It is, therefore, used for many purposes. Let us look at them in detail. 

Uses Of Peppermint Oil

The fresh minty flavor of peppermint is invigorating and has been used as a popular flavoring agent in many products such as chewing gums, insect repellents, and skincare products.  Few popular uses of peppermint oil are discussed below.

Peppermint Oil For Oral Health: Many commercially available products contain peppermint oil or extract not only for its refreshing flavor but also for its antibacterial properties.

Scientific research has found that peppermint oil is powerful in fighting oral pathogens. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of peppermint oil help in fighting the bacteria and other microflora that exist in our mouth (3). The menthol in this oil also has an analgesic effect (2). Thus, it may help in reducing toothache and killing the bacteria that cause gum disease, oral cavities, and other oral health problems.

Peppermint Oil For Stress Relief: Peppermint works wonders on aching muscles and stiff joints. The analgesic properties of can oil help in reducing pain and providing relief (2).

The soothing effect of peppermint oil may also help relax the body and mind. It is calming and helpful in reducing stress, like most essential oils. Peppermint oil is a safe, non-toxic, and cheaper substitute for painkillers (4).

Peppermint Oil As Insect Repellent: Peppermint oil is an effective insecticide as it can repel insects such as mosquitoes with its strong smell. Its strong minty smell is unpleasant to the insects, so it keeps them away. It is a natural substance to combat fleas on your pets as well (5). Peppermint Oil For Weight loss: Peppermint oil can suppress appetite by controlling cravings through your senses of taste and smell. This is because the menthol in it works on your neurosensory to signal satiety (the feeling of fullness) (6). Always consult a doctor before making any changes to your diet. Peppermint Oil For Allergies: Peppermint oil is said to be an effective remedy for treating seasonal allergies as it clears the nasal airways and relaxes the muscles. In combination with other essential oils (such as eucalyptus oil), it is even more effective in providing relief from allergies. This could be due to the antimicrobial properties of the menthol present in peppermint oil (7). Peppermint Oil For Hormonal Balance: Peppermint oil has been found to balance hormones. In an animal study conducted on 40 Wistar rats with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), peppermint oil was found to balance hormones. It especially lowered androgens such as testosterone, regulated the levels of estrogen and LH, and reduced ovarian cysts. However, this was a short-term experiment and more research on human subjects is needed to fully understand the role of peppermint oil in treating PCOS (8). Peppermint Oil For Nail Care: The antifungal activity of the components in peppermint oil may help reduce the growth and spread of fungi such as candida (3). Candida usually causes infections on feet and nails. Thus, peppermint oil may be applied to the nails to reduce fungal infection.

Ancient texts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome mention the medicinal uses of peppermint. Many of its purported health benefits are based on personal experience, and there is research in progress to verify its health benefits. However, there is some scientific data available in the public domain on the health benefits of peppermint oil that you can check out below. 

Benefits Of Peppermint Oil

1. May Improve Digestion

Traditionally, peppermint oil was used to cure various digestive problems such as gas, heartburn, bloating, and indigestion. Peppermint oil is a natural carminative, so it relaxes the abdominal muscles and relieves flatulence. A study conducted on the effect of the menthol present in this oil on the smooth muscles of the human colon found that menthol directly inhibits the colon muscle by blocking the calcium influx. This induces a spasmolytic effect on the gastrointestinal muscle (9). This effect could aid digestion and stomach emptying. During gastrointestinal endoscopy, the stomach starts convulsing. This is why the patient needs to be given antispasmodic drugs, which usually have side effects. Peppermint oil has been used as an aid to facilitate colonoscopic procedures. An investigative study was conducted on patients undergoing a medical procedure called endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). It concluded that peppermint oil is an effective antispasmodic with no side effects (10). Another study found that peppermint oil is effective as an antispasmodic drug during esophagogastroduodenoscopy on elderly people (11). This could reduce the complications that arise with medical interactions as peppermint is a natural alternative to drugs. This medical application of peppermint oil needs more experimental validation.

2. May Help Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Peppermint oil has been used as a natural remedy for treating IBS for a long time. Peppermint oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps in alleviating the abdominal pain and other symptoms associated with IBS (12), (13), (14). A review of all the research conducted on peppermint oil and its effect on the gastrointestinal system reported that it is extremely effective because it regulates calcium channels and cation receptors and works directly on the enteric nervous systems (15). A study using enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules to treat IBS was published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. Though the results were promising, more long-term research is required to substantiate these claims (16). A meta-analysis of 12 randomized trials with 835 patients showed that peppermint oil is a safe and effective treatment for IBS. This comes as a relief because most drugs available over the counter contain peppermint (17). Though preliminary clinical trials have been conducted on the effect of peppermint oil, more comprehensive experimental validation is necessary (18).

3. Acts As A Nasal Decongestant

Peppermint oil is soothing on inflamed nasal passages when inhaled while suffering from cold or flu (19). The relaxant property of menthol makes it an excellent expectorant, decongestant, and analgesic. The respiratory mucous congests the passages during cold and cough. Peppermint oil thins the mucous and provides relief as the mucus is expelled out from the body. The sinus cavities are opened up, so it is easier to breathe. Most respiratory tract related issues such as cold, cough, sore throat, sinus, or bronchitis can be treated with peppermint oil (20). Thus, it is a safe, cost-effective, and non-toxic alternative to commercial drugs.

4. May Alleviate Skin Conditions Like Skin Irritation And Itching

The cooling and soothing effect of Peppermint oil is useful for reducing skin irritation and itching (21). In extreme cases such as psoriasis (a condition where the skin becomes dry, scaly, and itchy), peppermint oil may be applied for relief. According to a few studies, severe itching or chronic pruritus can also be treated with peppermint oil (22), (23).

5. May Ease Headache And Migraine

Peppermint oil is an all-natural treatment for headaches (24). The menthol in peppermint oil has analgesic properties (1). Therefore, it may help relax the throbbing muscles and ease a headache.

6. May Help In Treating Gastrointestinal Conditions

Peppermint oil, in combination with caraway oil, is effective in treating functional dyspepsia, a condition where the gastrointestinal area becomes bloated and painful (25). Peppermint oil is also helpful in reducing the duration, frequency, and severity of abdominal pain in children (26). However, there is limited research on the safety and dosage of peppermint oil for this treatment. Peppermint oil also works on stomach muscles and sphincter muscle to help reduce acid reflux and heartburn (27), (28).

7. Helps Reduce Postoperative Nausea

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) can be reduced by inhaling peppermint oil. A study conducted on patients undergoing cardiac surgery showed better results than drugs with the usual side effects like dysrhythmia and/or drowsiness (29), (30). Nausea is a common side effect of chemotherapy. A combination of spearmint and peppermint oils significantly lowered nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (31).

8. May Help In Treating And Healing Chronic Wounds

The efficiency of peppermint essential oil in treating infected wounds in mice was studied using nanostructured lipid carriers. Both in-vitro and in-vivo studies found that the antibacterial properties present in peppermint oil accelerate wound healing by stimulating certain factors such as FGF-2 and collagen synthesis (32). Peppermint oil has shown an antibacterial effect on a spectrum of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus anthracis, Staphylococcus pneumonia, and Listeria monocytogenes Species (32). Thus, it may help in treating infected wounds effectively. A preliminary study based on scaffold engineering of tissue using peppermint oil was successful and is now in the initial stages of experimentation. This could innovate wound dressing and help in healing wounds faster (33), (34).

9. May Provide Relief To Sore Muscles

Anecdotal evidence suggests that peppermint oil can reduce soreness in muscles. In tablet form, peppermint oil has been found to relieve dysphagia and chest pain in cardiac patients (35). Peppermint oil contains menthol and limonene. Both menthol and limonene have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in relaxing muscles (36). Peppermint oil helps reduce inflammation and swelling. It can be applied directly to the skin to treat arthritis, muscle aches, and headaches. It can also be ingested orally to ease digestive issues. Peppermint is effective at relieving pain. It can be taken internally to alleviate menstrual cramps, migraines, and toothaches. Topical application can be used to treat minor burns and insect bites. Thus, peppermint oil is safe to use for treating back, knee, and neck pain.

10. May Reduce Nausea And Vomiting During Pregnancy

Peppermint oil is used as a home remedy for morning sickness. Studies have shown morning sickness or nausea accompanying pregnancy can be alleviated by inhaling peppermint oil. Research on this is mixed as a study showed that peppermint oil was no more effective than the placebo in treating nausea (37). However, aromatherapy using peppermint oil to treat postoperative nausea in women who underwent C-section has shown promising results (38). It can be applied topically to the chest, back, or abdomen. Additionally, itching during pregnancy was found to be reduced upon the usage of peppermint oil in another study (39). Keep in mind that any alternative therapies or drugs used during pregnancy and lactation should have the approval of a licensed practitioner.

11. Has Antimicrobial Properties

Multiple studies have found that peppermint oil has antimicrobial activities. One of these studies investigates the antimicrobial activity of peppermint oil on the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Peppermint oil has high concentrations of menthol and its derivatives which inhibit the growth of this bacteria (40). Peppermint oil has been found to inhibit antibiotic-resistant microbes too (41). Further studies on the exclusive role of peppermint oil can reveal the extent of its antimicrobial activity, especially on the antibiotic-resistant microbes. Peppermint oil, in combination with clove, oil has shown antifungal activity against a few strains of Candida albicans (a common yeast) (42). The antimicrobial properties of peppermint oil help fight off bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The oil works well against cold sores, flu, and even acne. You can use it topically to disinfect wounds and cuts or ingest it to relieve nausea and stomach pain.

12. Antioxidant Properties

Peppermint contains high levels of antioxidants. When consumed, these antioxidants boost the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Peppermint oil is often used in cosmetic products. But, there’s limited research on the potential benefits of peppermint for skin and hair. A few benefits of peppermint oil for skin and hair are discussed below.

Is Peppermint Oil Good For Your Skin?

Peppermint oil has a soothing and calming effect which is helpful in reducing inflammation during skin allergies, rashes, and sunburns (21). Peppermint oil has to be mixed with a carrier oil before applying directly to the skin. The antimicrobial activity of peppermint oil helps inhibit the growth of bacteria on the face (40). It can help control acne as it prevents the clogging of pores due to excess secretion of oil (43). Peppermint oil forms a protective barrier on the skin and maintains skin integrity. A study showed that it reduced the absorption of benzoic acid in a dose-dependent manner (44). Here’s how you can use peppermint oil on your face. Caution: Do a patch test with peppermint oil before using it on your face. 

How To Use Peppermint Oil For Face

1. peppermint oil Facial Scrub

4 drops peppermint oil 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 teaspoons table salt

2. peppermint oil Toner

115 ml filtered water 40 ml apple cider vinegar 30 drops peppermint oil Spray bottle

3. Peppermint Oil Facial Mask For Clear Skin

2 tablespoons cucumber, grated 2 tablespoons green clay 5 ml diluted peppermint oil

4. Peppermint Oil For Lips

6 teaspoons beeswax pastilles (or grated beeswax) 6 teaspoons shea butter 6 teaspoons coconut oil 20 drops peppermint essential oil Lip balm tins or tubes


Is Peppermint Oil Good For Your Hair?

Peppermint oil is a non-toxic ingredient that promotes hair growth. Peppermint oil improves circulation, so it nourishes the hair and scalp. It stimulates the hair follicles so more nutrients are absorbed, thus promoting hair growth (45). Therefore, it could also be good for repairing dry and damaged hair as it has the ability to enhance the penetration of nutrients and other carrier oils. Anecdotal evidence suggests that peppermint essential oil can help prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff and lice, but more research is needed to back this claim.

How To Use Peppermint Oil For Hair Growth

1. As A Shampoo

You Will Need

Shampoo (16 oz) 1 teaspoon peppermint oil


2. As A Nourishing Hair Oil For Scalp

You Will Need

5-10 drops peppermint oil 4 tablespoons coconut oil

3. Peppermint Oil For Scalp Health And Dandruff

20 drops peppermint oil 2 oz coconut oil 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil 2 teaspoon moringa oil 10 drops tea tree oil

Process Peppermint oil is available in a variety of forms in the market. Check them out below.

Types/Forms Of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil can be found in a variety of forms. Some examples include:

Essential oil – A highly-concentrated liquid extract from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, and roots of the peppermint plant. Peppermint extract – A more diluted form that can be used to add a peppermint flavor to foods. Peppermint capsules – Can be taken as dietary supplements.

Want to know even more about peppermint oil? Scroll down to the next section!

More About Peppermint Oil

Scientific Name: Mentha piperita Family: Lamiaceae

HowTo Use Peppermint Oil For Health

Essential oils can be inhaled or used topically. It is not recommended to consume them unless you are using a therapeutic-grade essential oil. The cardinal rule when using essential oils is to always use them in conjunction with a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. Most essential oils are highly potent as they are in a concentrated form. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), essential oils should be inhaled after diluting them in a bowl of boiling water. Aromatherapy diffusers, such as electric or candle diffusers, help in oil diffusion without direct contact.

1. Peppermint Oil For Cold, Cough, And Sore Throat

8 drops of peppermint essential oil 2 tablespoons coconut or olive oil


2. Peppermint Essential Oil For Sore Throat Pain

1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil A glass of warm water ½ teaspoon natural rock salt


3. Peppermint Oil For Nasal Congestion

1/2 cup carrier oil (coconut oil or olive oil) 2 tablespoons beeswax pastilles (or grated beeswax) 15 drops peppermint oil 20 drops eucalyptus oil


4. Peppermint Oil For Heartburn And Indigestion

2-3 drops peppermint oil 1 teaspoon olive oil


5. Peppermint Oil For Headache

You Will Need

Few drops of jojoba oil Few drops of peppermint essential oil


6. Peppermint Oil For Itching

You Will Need

l 1 tablespoon moringa oil l 5-7 drops peppermint essential oil


7. Peppermint Oil For Sunburn

1 tablespoon of any carrier oil 7 drops of peppermint essential oil


8. Peppermint Oil For Weight Loss

Inhale a few drops of peppermint oil directly or use a diffuser to help curb cravings. 

9. Peppermint Oil For Joint Pain And Arthritis

You Will Need

8-10 drops peppermint oil 8-10 drops eucalyptus oil 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons of any carrier oil (coconut oil or moringa oil)


10. Peppermint Oil For Sore Muscles

5-10 drops of peppermint oil 1-2 teaspoons olive oil


How To Use Peppermint Oil For Oral Health

1. Peppermint Oil Toothpaste

1-2 drops peppermint oil Toothpaste


2. Peppermint Oil Mouthwash

5-6 drops peppermint oil 2 cups of water 5-6 drops tea tree oil


3. Peppermint Oil For Teething Problems In Babies

Blend 4-5 drops of peppermint oil with 4-5 drops of coconut or olive oil. Rub and massage the gum area with this mixture. This is particularly useful when babies are teething. However, consult a doctor before using this remedy.

How To Use Peppermint Oil At Home

1. Peppermint Oil  Insect Repellent

12 oz witch hazel 15 drops citronella essential oil 15 drops lemongrass oil 10 drops peppermint essential oil 10 drops tea tree oil Glass spray bottle


2. Peppermint Oil Bug Spray

8 oz witch hazel 8 oz water (boiled or distilled) 20 drops oregano oil 20 drops peppermint essential oil Glass spray bottle

Process Alternatively, you can also soak a few cotton balls with peppermint essential oil and keep them at strategic places to ward off spiders, ants, rodents such as mice and rats.

3. Peppermint Oil For Lice

2 tablespoons shampoo 1 teaspoon neem oil 20 drops oregano oil 15 drops peppermint essential oil

Process Now, let us look at the appropriate dosage of peppermint and the precautions we need to follow.

Dosage And Precautions

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) recommends using 30 drops of essential oil per each ounce of carrier oil for adults. Children should not have more than 3 drops of essential oil per each of carrier oil. Always use peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba, olive, coconut, or sweet almond oil. Since essential oils are very concentrated, they can cause burns or irritation on the skin. Peppermint oil can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Please do a patch test before using it anywhere else on your body. The essential oils for consumption are of therapeutic grade and should be taken only under medical supervision. The FDA does not regulate peppermint oil for its purity, quality, and safety. The manufacturer’s guidelines need to be followed carefully.

Who Shouldn’t Use Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is considered safe to use (4). However, there are a few exceptions. Let us look at the specific cases where peppermint oil is considered unsafe to use. People with G6PD deficiency Peppermint oil is found to have adverse reactions in people who suffer from G6PD deficiency. Research on what makes people with G6PD deficiency susceptible to the risk is limited. People taking certain medication CYP3A4 is an enzyme in your body that helps in assimilating many medications. Peppermint oil has a tendency to negatively interact with and inhibit this enzyme. Children and babies Many essential oils are not safe for children. Use peppermint oil on babies and children under 5 years old only after consulting a doctor. Peppermint aromatherapy can also be toxic to pets such as dogs and cats. Preexisting health conditions Peppermint oil may aggravate certain pre-existing health conditions such as heart disease, asthma, kidney disorders, and liver disease. Check out the side effects of peppermint oil in the next section.

What Are The Side Effects Of Peppermint Oil?

Despite the many benefits of peppermint oil, there are few side effects that should be kept in mind while using it. Sometimes ingesting peppermint can lead to heartburn, nausea, and vomiting Peppermint oil is very potent and the menthol in it may cause allergic reactions in some people (46). Therefore, it is recommended to do a patch test before you use it. Little quantities of peppermint oil may be consumed, but larger doses are toxic due to the presence of a substance called pulegone. In fact, it could even prove to be fatal (46). Can I drink peppermint oil? Yes, food-grade peppermint oil is safe for consumption in small doses. Make sure to source it from a reputed manufacturer and ingest it under medical supervision as peppermint oil in large doses and in certain people can be toxic. Does peppermint oil give you energy? Peppermint essential oil can help in relieving stress and be invigorating as it boosts mental focus and concentration. You can inhale it directly or apply it topically at the nape of your neck. Adding it to your bath is also another option. Does peppermint oil help you sleep? Peppermint has a soothing and calming effect so it may help you sleep. However, the research on it is inconclusive (47). Does peppermint oil tighten skin? Peppermint oil has astringent properties (48). It can be used externally to tighten the skin and minimize the appearance of pores. Does peppermint raise blood pressure? No. On the contrary, research suggests that peppermint may help lower blood pressure levels (49).
