Be it shampoos or conditioners – you will find beer in almost all hair care products. The easiest way to use beer for hair is to use it as a post-wash rinse. However, there are several other ways to incorporate beer into your hair care routine. If this has piqued your interest and you want to give it a try, scroll down to know how beer may benefit your hair and how to use it. The possible reason could be the protein, B vitamins, and antioxidants like flavonoids in beer (1). These nutrients may impact your overall health and hair health. In the next section, let’s take a closer look at the nutrients present in beer.

Beneficial Nutrients In Beer

Beer is rich in:

1. Minerals

Beer contains selenium and is a good source of silicon (2). Selenium deficiency is linked to hair pigment loss, and silicon deficiency may cause hair loss (3), (4).

2. B Vitamins

Beer is rich in B vitamins, and vitamin B12 prevents premature graying (1), (5).

3. Zinc, Folate, Biotin, Vitamin D, And Calcium

Beer contains essential nutrients like zinc, folate, biotin, calcium, and vitamin D (6). All these elements are crucial for maintaining hair health. Lack of these nutrients may trigger androgenic alopecia and telogen effluvium and cause hair loss and hair damage (7). You might be wondering that if beer is rich in hair-beneficial nutrients, does that mean it can promote hair growth? Read the next section for find out.

Does Beer Promote Hair Growth?

There is no scientific proof that beer promotes hair growth. It contains essential nutrients that play a crucial role in reducing hair fall and managing conditions like alopecia and telogen effluvium. Hence, beer may have some beneficial effects on your hair health. However, that does not mean beer can be a substitute for a well-balanced diet and therapies. Consult a doctor if you are experiencing severe hair fall or other hair-related issues. Beer is also believed to minimize dandruff. Is it true? Find out in the next section.

Is Beer Helpful For Dandruff?

This is a popular belief that does not have any scientific backing. Many people rinse their hair with beer and claim that it helps minimize dandruff. The fact is, dandruff is a fungal infection caused by Malassezia, a yeast-like fungus. While there is no proof of the antifungal activity of beer, you can try and see if it can help. Keep reading to find out how exactly you can use a beer for your hair.

How To Use Beer On Hair

1. Beer Rinse

A post-shampoo beer rinse may make the hair soft, silky, and shiny. Ingredients

200 ml beer


2. Beer And Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple cider vinegar is often used as a post-wash rinse to soften the hair and add shine to it. Ingredients

¼ cup of apple cider vinegar 1 cup of beer


3. Beer And Jojoba Oil Rinse

Jojoba oil is a popular ingredient when it comes to skin care and hair care. It contains wax esters that repair the skin (8). Together with beer, it may help soften and moisturize the hair. Ingredients

1 cup flat beer 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil

Process You may also include beer in your DIY hair masks. Find out some easy recipes in the next section.

DIY Beer Hair Masks

1. Beer, Honey, And Banana Hair Mask

Honey antimicrobial properties, while banana softens the hair and improves shine and manageability (9), (10). Ingredients

½ cup of beer 1 tablespoon of honey 1 ripe and mashed banana


2. Beer, Egg, And Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Egg yolk contains hair growth peptides(11). Coconut oil minimizes protein loss in hair and penetrates the hair shaft to prevent damage (12). Ingredients:

½ cup of beer 1 tablespoon of coconut oil Yolk of an egg


3. Beer, Onion, And Coconut oil

Onion juice promotes hair growth (13). Coconut oil minimizes hair damage. This hair mask may help prevent hair fall. Ingredients

1 cup of beer ½ cup of onion juice 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Process You may also apply beer directly to your hair. This is said to lighten the hair color.

Does Beer Lighten The Hair?

According to anecdotal evidence, beer may help lighten the hair naturally. Many women use beer wash to turn their hair a shade lighter than the natural color. This is especially beneficial for people who want to dye their hair without using a pre-lightening bleach. Which beer is best for hair growth? Non-alcoholic beers are best for hair growth as they contain all the vitamins and proteins without the drying alcohol content. Does beer make hair thicker? No. Beer does not make your hair thicker. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that the protein in it can cover your hair shaft, giving it a fuller look. Can I use beer shampoo daily? It depends on the individual brand formulations. While you can use some beer shampoos daily, others may be too drying or damaging. Is beer shampoo harmful? No. Beer shampoos are not typically harmful unless they contain harsh chemicals or preservatives. How long should I leave beer in my hair? For shinier and cleaner hair, you can leave beer in your hair for 15-20 minutes. Is beer good for curly hair? Yes. Beer is good for curly hair as it improves hair elasticity, strength, and shine.
