Read on to learn more about these exercises, try them out yourself, and see the difference. Scroll down!

Exercises To Keep Your Nose In Shape

1. Nose Shaping

This exercise can prevent and reduce the sagging of your nose. How To Do It

Use your index fingers to press the sides of your nose, and breathe out with force. Apply pressure on the bottom of the sides of your nostrils for best results. Make sure you do not breathe out with too much force. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

2. Nose Shortening

This exercise can help your nose appear shorter and help prevent cartilage deterioration. How To Do It

Place the index finger on the tip of your nose, pressing it gently. Now, using your nose, exert downward pressure on the finger. You can do this exercise every day, as many times as you can.

3. Nose Straightening

It’s amazing how nature offers simple remedies. This is truly the best of them all. A simple smile can help you straighten out your nose. How To Do It

All you need to do is smile, and then use your fingers to push your nose upwards. This will help to build the muscles on the sides of your nose. Do this exercise 20 to 30 times every day for best results.

4. Breathing

Yoga and workouts give breathing exercises great importance. Deep inhaling and exhaling have numerous benefits, and one among them is shaping your nose. How To Do It

Sit comfortably. Blocking one nostril, inhale through the other nostril, and hold for about four seconds. Then, block the other nostril, and exhale as you free the nostril you initially blocked. Repeat the exercise by blocking the other nostril. You could do three sets with 10 repetitions each.

5. Nose Wiggling

This is more of a muscle building than a reshaping exercise. But it will definitely help in strengthening the nasal muscles, and make the nose sharper. How To Do It

All you need to do is wiggle your nose, while making sure that your face is absolutely still. Do this a few times at least once a day for best results.

6. Nose Massaging

Like breathing, this method has many benefits. It can cure headaches of any kind, apart from narrowing and shaping your nose. How To Do It

Massage each part of your nose, starting from the bridge, to the tip, and then finally the sides. Make sure your fingers move in a circular motion. Massage your nose for about five minutes every day, and do it regularly for best results.

7. Eliminating The Smile Line

This exercise can help eliminate fine lines often associated with smiling. How To Do It

All you need to do is fill your mouth with air and swish the air in all directions while holding for about five seconds in each area. Once each area is touched upon, release the air. Do this exercise once every day.

Does pinching your nose make it smaller? No. Pinching or pressing your nose does not change its size, as the cartilage and bones in the nose cannot be molded. Do noses get bigger with age? Yes, noses do get bigger with age because of loose or sagging skin that makes it look longer as with aging skin loose its elasticity. Can your nose get skinnier? The nose cannot get skinnier even when you lose weight as the nasal skeleton is made primarily of bones and cartilage and not fat cells. Do nose shapers work? No, there’s minimum evidence suggesting that nose shapers actually work. They are merely a cheap fix and may cause injury to the nose.