This article further explores the benefits of cucumber water, how to make it, and its potential side effects. Keep reading. The cooling and hydrating properties of cucumbers benefit your body in many ways. So, what benefits does cucumber water offer? Let us discover them in the following section.

Health Benefits Of Cucumber Water

1. May Aid In Weight Loss

Sliced cucumbers in your water do not add many calories since one whole cucumber (300g) has only about 45 calories (1). Moreover, proper hydration helps you feel fuller, which, in turn, prevents unnecessary snacking. According to a study, increased water intake is linked with weight loss because of decreased feeding and increased fat loss due to lipolysis (breakdown of fats through hydrolysis) (2). Hence, replace sugary sodas, sports drinks, and juices with cucumber water to reduce your overall calorie intake.

2. Contains Antioxidants

Oxidative damage is the root cause of many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Antioxidants prevent oxidative damage and inhibit or repair cell damage that can cause illness. A study suggests that antioxidants are critical in terminating oxidative chain reactions by eliminating free radicals (3). Cucumbers are a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin C, manganese, beta-carotene, molybdenum, and flavonoids (4). Adding cucumber slices to water will make it more nutritious and contribute to the antioxidants in your diet.

3. May Reduce Cancer Risk

Cucumbers are rich in flavonoids, which may help reduce the risk of cancer. They also contain biochemical compounds like cucurbitacins and lignans, which may stop certain cancers from developing or slow down their progression (5),(6). A recent study suggests that fisetin, a flavonoid found in cucumbers, may slow down the progression of cancers or even induce apoptosis (programmed cell death of cancer cells). Besides, fisetin also demonstrates several activities that may have potential to treat cancer, but further studies are needed to confirm it (7).

4. May Reduce The Risk Of High Blood Pressure

Studies suggest that the incidence of hypertension is higher among populations consuming diets low in potassium, a mineral abundant in cucumbers. The potassium in cucumber water helps your body get rid of excess sodium that may otherwise elevate blood pressure levels. Therefore, potassium intake can lower blood pressure, especially among hypertensive individuals. This, in turn, helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke (8), (9), (10).

5. May Promote Skin Health

Cucumbers have a significant amount of silica and antioxidants. These can help to keep your skin clear and firm (11). They also contain pantothenic acid, a form of vitamin B5 that keeps the skin soft, smooth, and healthy. It keeps the skin hydrated by absorbing moisture from the air. Treating healthy adults with facial acne lesions through dietary supplements containing pantothenic acid is safe and well-tolerated (12). Besides, this acid is anti-inflammatory and may help stimulate the skin’s healing processes (13). Drinking cucumber water is one delicious way to rehydrate your body and is easy to prepare at home. Checkout a simple recipe in the following section.

How To Make Cucumber Water At Home

What You Need

1 medium-sized cucumber 2 quarts of water Mint, citrus, strawberries, or a fruit of your choice


Peel the cucumber and remove seeds with a spoon(cucumber seeds are edible, but some people may prefer not to use them in drinks). Cut it into slices (save some for decoration). Pour water into a pitcher. The amount of water needed depends on the size of the pitcher. But a good starting ratio would be two quarts of water to one medium cucumber. Add the slices to the pitcher. These may float – so keep them below the water surface if you desire a strong infusion. Allow them to steep for at least an hour to let the flavor permeate the water. Give it a gentle stir before drinking. You can use the same slices to make more batches of cucumber water. If the water seems less flavorful, discard or eat the slices. Drink the cucumber water within two days as it lacks preservatives.

To Add Variation

Wash several mint leaves under running water and slice them into narrow strips. Adding mint to cucumber water makes the beverage sweeter without adding sugar. You can also squeeze half a lemon, lime, or orange into the cucumber water. You may also add strawberries, blueberries, or any other fruit of your choice.

Cucumber water may have some side effects despite its beneficial effects. Listed below are some of the drawbacks that need to be considered.

Side Effects Of Cucumber Water

1. Toxicity

Biochemical substances like cucurbitacins in cucumbers are potentially toxic for sensitive individuals. Health issues associated with these elements can range from mild to severe. There were also reports of deaths among animals that consumed fruits rich in cucurbitacins (due to poisoning). Moreover, studies have also shown that these elements produce a bitter flavor in vegetables (14).

2. Allergy

Anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking cucumber water may result in an allergic reaction, triggering hives, swelling, and breathing difficulty in allergic individuals. Melons and cucumbers belong to the ragweed cross-reactivity groups, and may aggravate oral allergies, including swelling of the mouth and throat (15).

3. Bloating And Indigestion

Anecdotal evidence suggests that people with sensitive digestive systems may experience bloating, stomach pain, or flatulence after consuming this drink. Excessive cucumber intake may also lead to diarrhea in severe cases. However, quality research is warranted in this regard. How long can you let cucumber steep in water? How long can it stay fresh? We answer these questions in the following section.

How Long Can You Keep Cucumbers In Water?

It is advisable to consume cucumber water within 24 hours if not refrigerated. Refrigerating cucumber water will allow you to enjoy it for 2 to 3 days. The taste of the water changes over time if you do not remove cucumber slices after preparing them. This is because the cucumber starts decomposing after a day and alters the taste of the water. However, this does not indicate that it is spoiled. The water is unfit for consumption only if it has begun to taste bitter.

Is Lemon and Cucumber Water Good For You?

Water made using organic lemons and cucumbers is a delicious and hydrating treat you can have at any time of the day. As stated, it may help improve skin health, lower blood pressure, and increase weight loss. Besides, lemon juice naturally freshens the breath and improves digestion (16),(17). Lemon is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which help boost the immune system (18). Moreover, the flavonoids in citrus have a protective effect on the liver (19). Cucumber water is worth drinking every day, given its amazing benefits. But is there any daily intake limit? Let us find out.

How Much Should You Drink Daily?

You can drink cucumber water instead of normal water if you are craving a change. This helps you feel refreshed and hydrated. Depending on a person’s age, gender, and climatic conditions, they may consume approximately two to three liters of cucumber water a day. You will need to increase your fluid intake further if you live in temperate climates. Does cucumber water burn belly fat? Cucumber water is believed to reduce belly fat. However, limited research is available to prove this claim. Why does cucumber water make me pee so much? Cucumber water contains sulfur, silicon, and potassium, which increase urination by stimulating kidneys.


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