Giloy – A Brief

In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which means ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundance of medicinal properties. Capsules are made from the pure herbal extract that is obtained from the plant, which has the botanical name, Tinospora cordifolia. It may have anti-pyretic, anti-arthritic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancerous properties. It aids in digestion and is also well-known as a highly effective blood purifier. It may be used to manage many ailments such as cardiac debility, gout, anemia, leprosy, jaundice, as well as other serious diseases like cancer (1). In recent times, Giloy has become hugely popular due to its ability to manage symptoms of swine flu.

All About Side Effects Of Giloy

There are no serious side-effects that occur due to the short-term consumption of Giloy. It is not known how safe it is when it is used on a long-term basis, that is, 8 weeks or more. It is a natural and safe herbal remedy that is used to treat a large number of health problems, from the simplest to life-threatening ones. Here are some side effects of Giloy use:

1. Constipation:

In some cases, the use of Giloy can cause constipation. The problem can be caused by using Giloy in any form. Whether you take it as a juice or a supplement capsule, this is one of the serious side effects of giloy that you should consider keeping in mind. It may also cause stomach irritation (2).

2. Low Levels Of Blood Sugar:

Giloy may reduce blood sugar levels. If you are a diabetic, your blood sugar levels should be regularly monitored and you should use this herb with caution. You should consult your doctor before using it, as the doses of the medications prescribed for diabetes may need to be adjusted or changed (3), (4).

3. Increase In Autoimmune Disease Symptoms:

Giloy may over-stimulate the immune system and make it more active. This can result in an increase of symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus (SLE or systemic lupus erythematosus), multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. If you suffer from any of these conditions, it is best to avoid the use of Giloy.

4. Interference With Blood Sugar Control:

Giloy may have an effect on the blood sugar levels in your body (5), (6). Hence, there is a chance that it could interfere with the control of blood sugar during surgery, as well as afterward. It is best to stop taking this herb in any form 2 weeks prior to scheduled surgery.

Does giloy damage the liver? Giloy may cause liver damage in some people (7). Can giloy damage the kidneys? No. The herbal extracts of giloy may help prevent kidney stone formation (8). Is giloy hot or cold in nature? Giloy is cold in nature.


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