You simply cannot deny that there is something so hopelessly romantic about writing and receiving a love letter. Not to mention the anticipation you feel before getting your partner’s letter! Pen down your thoughts and feelings for your partner to show him that despite the distance, he is always on your mind and in your heart. Share those secret desires and fantasies you have to keep the fire in your relationship sizzling hot – and the promises of things yet to come when you both meet! Scroll down to read some charming love letter samples to get you started!

25 Long-Distance Love Letters For Him

Miss-You Letters For Him

Do you know how much I miss you and our cuddles? I think of you the first in the morning, and you are in my thoughts when I go to sleep. I know you are away there to chase your dreams so that soon we, together, can make our sweet home. But I miss you, dear. You are the best thing that has happened to me, and I feel blessed that God showed you to me. I am dreaming of the day when I would be waiting at our home for you to return from work and start living our life together. Love you forever, (Nickname) I miss you; I miss you terribly! I feel incomplete without you. I miss your scent, your love, and your care. I badly want to fall asleep in your arms, snuggling next to your heart. I wish I had wings to fly to your place and soak in your love. No words can express my longing for you. Honey, my heart cannot bear this distance anymore. I am waiting for that day when I wake up and you are next to me. Come back soon so that I can wake up every day next to you! With tons of love, (Nickname) I consider myself lucky as God gave you to me. You are the most caring and loving person that I have come across in life. You are the man of my dreams. Though we stay miles apart, you do not allow me to miss you. Through your words, texts, and gifts, you make me feel like you are always around me. Even though you are away, I feel your presence through your loving gestures. I am proud to have you in my life; you understand me as I am and support and comfort me, always!  I want to say that I love you, and I will love you forever. Looking forward to meeting you soon, (Nickname) How are you able to stay without me? I miss our cuddles, kisses, hugs, and the time we walked together hand-in-hand and hopped into pubs and malls. Even the thought of you by my side gives me a kick. Get back soon, my heartthrob.  I love the way I feel when I am with you. The nights are so lonely, and loneliness is killing me. You mean the world to me. You know my heart, and I cannot tell you how amazing that feels! I cannot wait to see you again!  I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. Yours, (Nickname) Do you have any clue how much I miss you these days? I wish to be the pillow you sleep on, so I could be next to you, always touching you softly as you snuggle up to it.  You are gentle and caring towards me, and I cannot thank you enough for the love you have been showering on me. You just love me and never expect anything in return. But I want to tell you that I love you to the moon and back. Love, (Nickname) It has been quite some time, and not being able to see each other has been taking a toll on both of us. Remember the song, “all I need is the air that I breathe, and to love you.” You are my oxygen, and I miss you. I cannot wait to see you when you get home. I miss your smile; I miss your kisses. My smile is lost because you are not here to find it out. I miss you so much. Give me a hug so that I can be happy. Come back soon and bring me back to life. Missing you, honey! (Nickname)  How are things with you there? Lately, I have been missing you a lot, and not seeing you for so long is making me sick. I want to tell you every morning I wake up, I feel I am one day closer to seeing you, and every night when I go to sleep after the video call, I feel the distance between us has vanished. It seems absence makes the heart grow fonder, does it not? I know we will be together one day, making our dreams come true and living our ‘’happily ever after’’. With Love (Nickname)

I wanted you to know that you are the first person who comes to my mind as I open my eyes. You are in my thoughts all day and when I close my eyes. I know you are not with me right now and are working towards a better life for us. But not even a single second passes by without missing you. All I want is to be with you and hold you close to my heart for the rest of my life. Your Love, (Nickname)   How strange it feels not to have you around. But you are present in my every thought. Watching other couples spending time, taking long walks, and holding each other’s hands takes me back to the memories we once had. Everything around me seems so nostalgic and reminds me of you. No matter what I do, where I go, it is all about you. I miss you every minute and long for you to return home. Yours only, (Nickname) Although it has not been long that we are not staying together, I wanted to pen down my feelings. You are the best thing that happened to me in years, and I am sure that life will be even happier with you by my side. I am not sure when we will meet next, but in the meantime, all I know is that I am going to miss you badly. We may not see each other every day, but my love for you increases day by day. You are my ultimate wish, and I miss you more than anything. Yours only one (Nickname) It has been almost two months since you left the city, and this separation is not so easy. Whenever I pass by your house or take a stroll in the park, I go through a whirlwind of emotions involving our magical memories. I make up my mind every time that you will land back soon, and life will be happier again. I hope life is serving you well in the new place. Do not get worried about my well-being. I wish you all the best for your project and its timely completion. Hope to see you soon! Take care (Nickname) Although I have been busy working, every day I spend without you seems like a year. I promised that I would stay strong and go about my work. But, trust me, it is not an easy task. Leisure time and watching our favorite TV shows are no longer fun without you. All that I want is your speedy comeback. Everything is great here, and with your return, my heart will be back at peace. Yours lovingly (Nickname)

Romantic Long-Distance Love Letters For Him

I am thinking about you! The thought of you is enough to make me feel happy. I see beauty when I look into your eyes; I get to know love by being your own. I am proud to be doing what I like because I am yours. I love you, but I miss you, too. But, my love, I am proud of what you are doing, and you always have my support. Though I miss you like crazy, I find solace because you are happy doing what you love doing the most. You are where you always wanted to be, and I am happy for you. I hope to see you soon! (Nickname) It has been quite some time that we are stuck in a long-distance setup. The different time zones and lack of communication have been very difficult for both of us. But I want to tell you that the distance is not going to diminish my love for you. No matter how many miles apart we are, I am going to love you, and my love for you increases with every passing day. Irrespective of all the hurdles created by time, distance, and work, we are going to make this work. You are my Stud Muffin who gives me the strength to pursue my dreams, and I am going to make you proud. Love you loads, (Nickname) Congratulations to both of us. We have completed two years together, and I am looking forward to spending many more decades with you. I am waiting for you to return so that I can cook all your favorite foods, go to all your favorite places, and binge-watch all the movies you like. You are my hero, and I love everything about you. I cannot tell you how fortunate I have been to find a man like you who is filled with strength and magic in making a life together. Come back soon so that we can stay together, forever. Take care and stay safe. Regards (Nickname) As we celebrate another anniversary of togetherness, I am immersed in your thoughts. Though you are away, I remember how you took care of me and brought me back to life from nothingness. Words cannot describe the love you have shown to me; an entire ocean of ink would not be enough to write about it. My love, you complete me. The power of your love embraced me like a flame and gave me an assurance that our love is here to stay! I want to spend my life until eternity with you. Your darling, (Nickname) I must confess I never knew what love truly was until I met you. You showed me the power of love and its touch and the presence of its aura. I never imagined I could make a faithful connection with you. But you looked past my imperfections and built a sovereign love that sees beyond my weakness. I am dreaming of the day when we walk the aisle, hand-in-hand, and build our nest filled with love and only love. I love you in ways that words can hardly comprehend. Yours and only yours, (Nickname) Today, I woke up with a smile on my lips. I woke up dreaming of your hands caressing me with a fire of ecstasy while I lay everything bare before you. I want to tell you that you make my soul sing. I buzz with life when you are around; just being in your presence is enough for me. I realize that your touch always leaves a trail for me to find my way back to you. All I wish for now is to meet you and make up for all the time we missed being together. Come soon, (Nickname) You are my knight in shining armor. You are the soothing balm that covers my flesh with love, and I thank the stars for giving you to me. I am honored as your soul is kneaded into mine. I find you within every day, and I want to believe that separation is just an illusion. You are the strength that keeps me afloat and grounded with love. Let me find a home at the arch of your back, and together let us build a galaxy of magic filled with love. I love you in ways words can hardly comprehend, Yours, (Nickname) I cannot stop thinking about you when we are miles apart.  You mean the world to me; you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you.  You know even my darkest secrets. You are my strength and my weakness. I will always and forever be in love with you. I love the way you make me smile and the ways you care for me. I love the way you say, ‘I Love You’. I treasure the way you are always there for me. Hope to see you soon, (Nickname) I might not be able to express it better when you were here, but this long distance has prepared me today. With each passing day without you, my heart gets lonelier, craving for you to come back. I sit for hours with your favorite T-shirt and hug it every time a flashback takes me away. I consider myself fortunate since the day you came as a blessing into my life. And I am no longer the person I used to be before; you have changed my life for good. Hope to see you soon! (Nickname) How have you been? Ever since I met you, my life has been a fairytale. You might not be the prince with a white horse, but your heart is made of gold. You spice up my life with everything you do, and it turns my world beautiful. We have been away for a while now, but I always wish to relive those memories. Spending time sitting under the summer sun and laughing away to glory is what my heart is looking forward to. Return soon so that I can watch this house coming back to life again. (Nickname) I had a fixed definition of a boyfriend before, but I have understood the real meaning of love after meeting you. With you by the side, my world has become merrier, and all I desire is your lifelong love. I have understood what happiness is, and your companionship is what matters to me. I do not look for happiness in other things, and I only want you to be happy forever. I am too much in love with you and pray that it stays like this until the end of time. Your love (Nickname) Everything I do, wherever I go, I can find you. I never knew that love could be so captivating that it embosses the heart with the lover’s image. Your love is like a bittersweet symphony that is all over my mind, and every time I imagine you to be here, my heart skips a beat. Yours (Nickname)

“I Love You” Letters To Show Your Love For Him

You keep asking me why I love you. There are thousands of reasons why I love you, and here are just a few telling you why. I love you because when I see you, I see my future, I see my husband, I see the father of my children, I see you as you are, I appreciate you being you. I love you; you are the keeper of my heart. I love you today, tomorrow, and always. I will love you forever. I love you so much! Lovingly, (Nickname) As we count our days for the big day, I have been waking up with a smile every day. Soon, no more distance will set us apart, no more “talk to you soon and see you in my dreams’’ as we end our conversations. Real hugs and kisses will replace those, which words could not even express but only the two of us can understand. I know we are both waiting for the future to unfold but let us just enjoy every moment of our togetherness now. For now, I just want to hug you tight and never let go. I love you! Lovingly, (Nickname) Do you know how many months have passed since you pushed me to chase my dreams? But I do not want to complain. My Love, you are the only person who knows me better than I do, my inside and out, my happy place, my solitude, my home. Thank you for being mine and showing me the world is so beautiful and has so much to offer. Thank you for supporting every single dream and passion I have had. I just want to say I love you so much; I am so thankful and glad that you are always there for me. Love, (Nickname) On this anniversary, I want to tell you that distance cannot diminish my love for you. You are mine forever, and I want my love to speak through my breath that you are the only reason I breathe. I did not fall in love with you; I walked in love with you with my eyes wide open. When I found you, I was sure that I had found the man I was waiting for all these years. When I chose you, I knew that you would treat me the way my father taught me I deserved to be treated. Thank you for adorning my life with your boundless love. With Love, (Nickname) I miss you a lot.  When holding you close to my heart and thinking of you across the miles, I miss you a lot. I just want to tell you one thing, my only love; though we fight over little things, we have ups and downs; there have been times when we felt like at a dead end, I am still here, fighting for you and our love.  Take my word, you are mine, and I am yours. You are my first, and you will be the last.  Let us aim to infinity and beyond! Your one and only, (Nickname) The distance has been making me yearn more for you. My body is aching to be lit by the spark from your fingertips. I am waiting for the magic to unveil as we know each other better. My lips are burning for your love to rub onto me, spoil me, and lead me to eternity. I want you to feel the texture of my soul and set me ablaze with the flames from your eyes. My love, let my soul spill into yours, pouring every ounce of magic into your pores, making those flowers of passion bloom without restrictions. Come back soon, (Nickname) Staying away from you is harder than I ever imagined. You are the one and only important person in my life. I see reminders of you everywhere I look, and it makes me pine for you. I cherish every moment we spent together. I love you even more when we are so far apart. I feel you are here with me. I feel your fingers caressing my hair and your breath on my cheek. I love you with all my heart. I love you so much. With Love, (Nickname) Thank you for loving me for what I am. Thank you for making me smile when I am sad. Do you know the excitement I get when I see your name pop up on my phone? You are my entire world. Babe, you will never know how much I love you because my love for you cannot be expressed in words. I know I am not the best, but I will always be there for you. No amount of distance, pain, or fights can take you away from me. I love you, baby. When you are with me, it feels like a dream come true. You mean everything to me. You are my life, and I cannot even imagine a life without you. Yours only, (Nickname)

It has been 365 days, 13 hours, and 10 minutes since you have been away from me. I wish I get to spend my whole life under the skies watching the stars with you. You filled my life with laughter, music, and color. I cannot imagine a life without you. I cannot love anyone as much as I love you. You are the cutest guy in the world. You make me fall for you every day, over and over again. You make me happy. Whenever I am with you, I cannot help but smile and laugh. I can never live my life without you. I am waiting for you to return so that we can create more memories. Yours, (Nickname) From the time you left me and went to work with your new office, I have been thinking of us. I realize that we have been like Tom and Jerry. We chase each other, we fight with each other, but we can never remain without the other. We complete and complement each other so well. When I am in your arms, I feel so safe, and it makes me think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing man in my life. You showed me what true love is, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Yours Lovingly, (Nickname) Today, I want to tell you that my parents have agreed to meet you. I know you are occupied with things in another city, but the first thing we do whenever you come back to town is meet my family. I am sure that they will see more than what I saw in you and give their blessings to turn this relationship into a permanent one. After all, that’s what we want! I love you so much and am awaiting your return! (Nickname) We might be far apart, but I want you to know that I love you so much. Every morning, the first thing I do is see your photo and call you. My day does not start without doing that. Speaking with you helps me prep for the day and reminds me that you are here, by my side. Your love has not just taken over my heart but also the soul. Whether I eat, work, or sleep, I am immersed in your thoughts. They help me live and get through the day with a smile. Yours only (Nickname) It’s been almost two years since we are seeing each other. I still remember the day we met and what you were wearing. It was a Lakers jersey that still gives me goosebumps when I think of it. I am glad that I was destined to come across a person like you with a pure heart. You have filled my life with joy and laughter, and I have made my mind to take this forward. We have been stuck playing the “I like you” game for long, and now it’s time to admit that we are in love. (Nickname) This long-distance has shown me your worth. My days and nights are no longer the same, and I miss you always. Earlier, I was not sure whether our long-distance relationship would work out or not. But now, all I want is your company. My mind keeps going back to the memories we made – some romantic, some funny. I keep scrolling through our photos, wishing you were here. I love you more than anything else. Lots of love (Nickname) It’s your birthday month, and we are far away. I am not there to give you a surprise, but this letter will do some justice. I consider myself lucky to have met a wonderful human being like you. I might keep texting you all those funny and naughty forwards, but today, I am sending you this heartfelt letter to express my love. I may not say it often – all I wish for is your happiness and undying love. I love you so much that no distance seems longer. Come back home soon, dear. Your Love, (Nickname)  What kills long-distance relationships? Lack of trust, understanding, and communication between the partners can kill a long-distance relationship. What are red flags in a long-distance relationship? Some red flags in a long-distance relationship include:

Your partner trying to control your every move. Phone calls stop being fun. Your partner missing your calls and messages often. Your partner being absent in your future plans

What does a man want in a long-distance relationship? A man wants honesty and transparency since these form the foundation of a long-distance relationship. Should long-distance couples talk every day? If both the partners’ schedules permit, it is ideal to talk every day in a long-distance relationship. Communication is key here. Is texting enough in a long-distance relationship? No, texting is not enough in a long-distance relationship. Some fun long-distance relationship couple activities also need to be considered. These include playing online games with each other, watching movies simultaneously, setting up a romantic date over the phone, etc. How can I be loyal in a long-distance relationship? All you have to do is know if your feelings are genuine. If you love your partner, you will stay loyal to them despite the distance. Recommended Articles:

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