The pigmented cells that show up as dark patches on the skin are called moles. They can appear anywhere on the body. There are various causes for the formation of moles. Moles are most commonly seen on the face, neck, arms, and legs. They differ in shape, size, and color from person to person. Keep reading to learn how to remove them at home! The color, shape, and size of moles vary from person to person. They usually appear red, black, brown, pink, or other variations of these shades. While some are flat, colored spots, others are raised. Below are the different reasons that can cause moles.

Causes Of Moles On The Skin

 The overactive melanocytes in the body produce excess melanin, which gives rise to the mole.  Moles are usually caused due to excessive exposure to the sunlight. The pigmentation of the skin cells propagates and spreads to the other areas of the body with over exposure, leading to mole formation.  The overactivity of the sebaceous or oil glands can also lead to the formation of moles. They are usually yellow and feel rough when touched.  Some moles are present right from the time of birth, while others occur during puberty and pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

The next section lists a few home remedies to remove moles. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness. Also, most doctors advise against home remedies for moles as they may damage the skin and cause permanent scarring. Hence, it is best to consult a dermatologist before opting for any of these methods. If you still want to try home remedies, scroll down for the list.

Get Rid Of Unwanted Moles With These Remedies

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Moles

You Will Need

 Apple cider vinegar  Cotton ball  Band-aid or scotch tape

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Clean the area and repeat the ACV application until the mole starts to form a scab. Why This Works The acids in apple cider vinegar may dry up the mole, making it form a scab and eventually disappear. Caution ACV may cause scarring. Hence, be very careful while using it on your skin.

2. Black Salve For Moles

You Will Need Black salve ointment What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this for a couple of days. Why This Works Black salve ointment is prepared from the bloodroot herb and is often used to get rid of unwanted moles, large freckles, and other skin growths. However, there is no scientific evidence to back its effectiveness.

3. Baking Soda And Castor Oil

You Will Need

 1/2 teaspoon baking soda  2-3 drops castor oil  Band-aid or adhesive tape

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this every night. Why This Works While baking soda dries out the mole, castor oil can help in the healing process of the skin. Caution This method might lead to inflammation of the skin. Do not fret as the inflammation and redness will subside with time.

4. Banana Peel For Moles

You Will Need

 Banana peel  Scotch tape

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this until the mole vanishes. Why This Works Banana peel contains natural enzymes and acids, such as oxalic acid and ascorbic acid, that may help you get rid of a mole. It can also prevent the surrounding skin from drying out.

5. Frankincense Oil For Moles

You Will Need 1-2 drops frankincense essential oil What You Have To Do Apply the oil on the mole and leave it on. How Often You Should Do This Reapply the essential oil 3-4 times daily. Why This Works Frankincense oil has astringent properties (1). It can help tighten the skin around the mole, absorb the excess oils, and dry it out. The mole will form a scab and eventually fall off.

6. Garlic For Moles

You Will Need

 1 garlic clove  A piece of cotton cloth

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this several times a day for three weeks. Why This Works The application of garlic paste can lead to scab formation, making the mole fall off and disappear. This is due to the presence of enzymes that dissolve the cells forming a mole. Caution Garlic may cause skin burns. Hence, exercise caution while using this home remedy.

7. Iodine For Moles

You Will Need

 Iodine  Petroleum jelly

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this twice a day for a week or until the mole disappears. Why This Works Iodine is an effective ingredient to get rid of moles. Its regular application will cause the mole to flake off. Caution Do not ingest iodine meant for topical use as it is toxic and can cause severe health issues. If you experience a burning sensation, discontinue using it. Also, ensure you never apply iodine to broken skin.

8. Lemon Juice For Removing Moles

You Will Need

 Lemon juice  Cotton ball  Adhesive tape

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this once or twice a day. Why This Works Lemon juice has skin bleaching and astringent properties. It might cause the mole to become lighter with time.

9. Oregano Oil For Moles

You Will Need

 1-2 drops oregano oil  1-2 drops castor oil

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Apply 2-3 times daily. Why This Works Oregano oil contains antioxidants, has healing properties, and can be used to remove a mole. However, there are no studies to back this claim.

10. Tea Tree Oil For Moles

You Will Need

 Tea tree oil  Cotton swab

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this 2-3 times daily for a couple of weeks. Why This Works Tea tree oil has astringent, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties (2). While anecdotal evidence suggests that regular application of TTO can help in getting rid of a mole, there are no scientific studies to support it. Caution Tea tree oil is very potent. Hence, apply it only to the affected area.

11. Potato For Skin Moles

You Will Need A small piece of potato What You Have To Do As the potato decomposes, the mole will also slough off. How Often You Should Do This Use this twice a day. Why This Works The natural bleaching compounds found in potato may help lighten and eventually fade the mole.

12. Coconut Oil For Skin Moles

You Will Need Virgin coconut oil What You Have To Do Apply a drop or two of the oil on the mole and leave it on. How Often You Should Do This Repeat this every morning and night. Why This Works Anecdotal evidence suggests that coconut oil may help reduce the size of the mole. It also improves the texture and hydration of your skin.

13. Hydrogen Peroxide For Skin Moles

You Will Need

 35% hydrogen peroxide solution (food grade)  A Q-tip

What You Have To Do With the Q-tip, apply the hydrogen peroxide on the mole. How Often You Should Do This Apply this 3-4 times in the day. Why This Works Hydrogen peroxide helps disinfect the area and lighten the skin, helping fade away dark spots and moles.

14. Turmeric For Skin Moles

You Will Need

 1 teaspoon turmeric  1 vitamin C tablet  A few drops of honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this twice a day. Why This Works While the vitamin C can help lighten the appearance of the mole, turmeric helps in the healing process of the skin.

15. Aloe Vera For Skin Moles

You Will Need

 Fresh aloe vera gel  Cotton bandage

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this twice a day. Why This Works Aloe vera is a soothing and healing agent. It contains polysaccharides, tannins, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that restore the natural health of your skin (3). Many beauty bloggers believe that this remedy can help in getting rid of skin moles.

16. Flaxseed Oil

You Will Need

 2-3 drops flaxseed oil  2-3 drops honey

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Apply this oil-honey blend twice a day. Why This Works Flaxseed oil can improve the skin’s texture and get rid of blemishes and freckles. It also contains essential fatty acids that possess wound healing properties (4 ). While many use this remedy to get rid of moles, there is no scientific evidence to prove these claims.

17. Coriander Leaves For Moles

You Will Need

 1/4 cup coriander leaves  Water

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this every day for about two weeks to notice results. Why This Works Coriander leaves have astringent properties and can help reduce the appearance of the mole.

18. Honey For Moles

You Will Need

 Raw honey  Bandage

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this several times a day. Use a fresh piece of bandage every time. Why This Works Honey is often used for different skin ailments because of its antioxidant content, emollient nature, and anti-inflammatory properties (5). It may help fade away the moles with regular application.

19. Dandelion Root For Moles

You Will Need A piece of fresh dandelion root What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this 2-3 times a day for best results. Why This Works The sap in the root and stem of the dandelion plant has purifying properties and can help treat moles, sores, pimples, and even warts. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

20. Onion Juice For Moles

You Will Need 1/4 onion What You Have To Do You can also purchase readymade onion juice from the grocery store. How Often You Should Do This Repeat this 2-3 times a day. Why This Works Onion juice contains natural acids that may help the mole fall off in a few days.

21. Cauliflower For Mole Removal

You Will Need A few cauliflower pieces What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this a few times every day until the mole disappears. Why This Works Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and may help dry out the mole and fade its appearance.

22. Pineapple Juice For Mole Removal

You Will Need A slice of pineapple What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this several times a day. Why This Works Pineapple contains high levels of citric acid that can help slough off the mole. Regular application of pineapple juice can loosen the cells and make the mole disappear completely.

23. Grapefruit Seed Extract For Moles

You Will Need

 1-2 drops grapefruit seed extract  Bandage

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this 2-3 times in a day. Why This Works Grapefruit seed extract is an astringent and also contains antioxidants, such as vitamin E. The astringent property can help make the mole fall off eventually, and the antioxidants can heal the skin.

24. Fig Stem Juice For Moles

You Will Need

 A piece of fig stem  Q-tip

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this thrice a day. Why This Works The juice of the fig stem acts as an exfoliant and can help remove the mole. Caution Be careful while extracting and applying the sap from the stem as it is known to cause dermatitis. Apply it only on the mole and not anywhere else around it. In addition to trying out these home remedies, follow these simple tips to prevent the occurrence of moles.


A. Limit Sun Exposure Prolonged exposure to the sun stimulates melanin production, leading to moles. Avoid exposing your body to direct sunlight. Avoid the sun from 10 AM to 4 PM when the ultraviolet rays are the most intense. Wear a hat or protective gear whenever you step out in the sun. B. Sunscreen Apply a high SPF sunscreen or sun block lotion before stepping outdoors. The SPF content in the lotion should be at least 30. Apply this 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Do not forget to reapply the sunscreen every two hours if you are still outdoors to keep the skin protected. C. Monitor Monitor the condition of your existing moles once every month to detect any changes in them. If any change occurs, there are high possibilities that the mole is cancerous. Uneven color and change in size and shape are signs to look out for. Consult a specialist immediately if you notice anything. D. Exfoliation Regular exfoliation of the skin can go a long way in preventing the occurrence of moles. Overaccumulation of dead cells can block the skin pores and lead to abnormal functionality. As a result, moles can form. Hence, exfoliate both your face and body once every week. Here are some more tips you should follow.

Tips To Follow

 Talk to your doctor before trying out these remedies.  Get the mole examined by a doctor to ensure that it is not cancerous before you start off with home remedies. Moles that cause burning, itching, and pain should be examined. Medical attention is required in case of bleeding from a mole.  A disadvantage of home remedies is that they take a long time to show results. In addition, every remedy might not work for everyone. You need to try out a number of alternatives before arriving at the perfect solution for your skin mole. If you do not notice any difference even after one week of application, try out a new method.

Can toothpaste remove moles? No, there is no scientific evidence that suggests that toothpaste can remove moles. Does clear nail polish remove moles? Anecdotal evidence suggests that the chemicals in clear nail polish may help in removing moles. However, it may not be safe and may cause potential side effects. Consult your doctor for proper treatment. Do moles grow bigger with age? Moles may grow bigger in the teenage years and pregnancy. However, they may stop growing after a certain point. Can moles be completely removed? Yes, moles can be completely removed with a surgical procedure by a trained doctor. Do moles have roots? Yes, it is possible for some moles to have deeper roots in deeper layers of your skin.


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