Health Benefits of Guava Leaves

Guava leaves are regarded as herbal treatment for several diseases due to their medicinal properties. The health benefits of guava leaves are given below.

1. Aid in Weight Loss:

Guava leaves aid in weight loss by preventing the complex starches from being converted into sugars. For this purpose, the carbs must be broken down in the liver for use by the body and guava leaves prevent the transition of carbohydrates to usable compounds.

2. Beneficial for Diabetics:

According to research, guava leaf tea can effectively lower blood glucose in diabetics (1). Moreover, it prevents the absorption of sucrose and maltose by the body, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. Drinking guava leaf tea for 12 weeks lowers the blood sugar levels without increasing insulin production.

3. Lower Cholesterol:

Research has proved that drinking guava leaf tea for 3 months can lead to reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides without any adverse effect on good cholesterol (2). Besides, the guava leaves are a great liver tonic.

4. Treatment of Diarrhea and Dysentery:

Guava leaves are herbal remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. According to an animal study, guava leaf extract has the potential for use in the treatment of infectious diarrhea (3). For treating diarrhea, boil 30 grams of guava leaves with a handful of rice flour in 1-2 glasses of water and drink this concoction twice a day. In case of dysentery, cut the roots and leaves of guava plant and boil them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. Strain the water and drink in moderation until relieved.

5. Aids in Digestion:

Guava leaves are widely employed for treating diarrhea and digestive ailments (4). Guava leaves may be particularly beneficial in case of food poisoning as well as soothing, vomiting and nausea. To relieve stomach ache, boil 8 pieces of guava leaves in 1.5 liters of water and drink thrice a day.

6. Treatment of Bronchitis:

Guava leaf tea is effective in treating bronchitis by opening up the lungs, loosening mucus and soothing coughs (5).

7. Treatment of Toothaches, Sore Throats and Gum Disease:

Due to their anti-inflammatory qualities, fresh guava leaves can relieve toothache, heal gum and mouth sores and treat sore throats when used for gargling. According to a study, mouthrinse containing guava leaf extract had a profound effect on gingivitis (6). The antibacterial agent in these leaves protects the teeth and gums and therefore, guava leaves are used as an ingredient in toothpastes and mouth fresheners. Guava leaves can even be made into a natural paste at home for brushing the teeth and gums.

8. Beneficial in Dengue Fever:

Guava leaves are considered a natural remedy for dengue fever. This is because guava leaf extract can increase the number of platelets in the blood and is not toxic at all (7). For this purpose 9 pieces of guava leaves should be boiled in 5 cups of water until 3 cups of water is left. After straining and cooling, a cup of this concoction should be given to the patient thrice a day.

9. Reduction of Allergies:

Guava leaves consist of anti-allergic properties (8). Moreover, the compounds found in guava leaves are effective in blocking all allergic reactions.

10. Sperm Production:

Consumption of guava leaf tea has proven to be effective in increasing sperm production, thus helping with conception (9).

11. Treatment of Wounds and Infections:

Guava leaves have great healing properties that can treat wounds such as cuts, impact abrasion etc. The antibacterial agents prevent infection and reduce inflammation of the uterus to accelerate the healing of wounds (10). Guava leaf tea may also help in curing ear infections as well.

Guava Leaves Benefits For Skin

When it comes to skincare, guava leaves can greatly help in improving your skin and treatment of various skin disorders. Following are the benefits of guava leaves for skin.

12. Treatment of Acne and Black spots:

Acne and black spots are quite annoying as they adversely affect the appearance of your skin. Guava leaves are effective in eliminating acne and black spots from the skin (11). They contain an antiseptic that can kill acne causing bacteria. For this purpose, mash some guava leaves and apply it on the acne and dark spots. Rinse with water after some time. This should be done daily until the skin is clear.

13. Removal of Blackheads:

For the treatment of blackheads, blend the guava leaves with little water and use it as a scrub on your nose to remove blackheads.

14. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Guava leaves contain antioxidants which destroy the free radicals that damage your skin (12). They protect your skin from aging and improve skin tone and texture. A decoction of mature guava leaves can be applied on the skin for tightening it.

15. Relieves Itching:

Skin itching can lead to serious problems if not treated immediately. Guava leaves are an instant treatment for getting rid of itchiness as they contain allergy blocking compounds (13).

Guava Leaves Benefits For Hair

Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, guava leaves help in promoting healthy hair growth (14).

16. Natural Remedy for Hair Loss:

To stop hair loss, boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for around 20 minutes. After cooling, apply it on your scalp and massage rigorously. What are the side effects of drinking guava leaves? Learn more about the benefits of guava leaves from the infographic below. Guava leaves can trigger stomach pain and temporary nausea in some people. However, these side effects subside after 1 or 2 days. Can you drink guava leaves on an empty stomach? Yes, guava leaves are safe to drink on an empty stomach. This drink can help you stay hydrated and manage diarrhea. Should I drink guava leaves hot or cold? Guava leaves can be infused in hot water and had on an empty stomach. If you find this drink does not suit you, you can cool it down by mixing it with ice cubes. Can I mix guava leaves with ginger? Yes, guava leaves can be mixed with ginger. This combination enhances fertility and helps in the absorption of nutrients.
