Questions To Ask Yourself Before Marriage

Important Questions To Ask Before Marriage

These questions are crucial to understanding your relationship with your spouse – about your boundaries, safe spots, expectations, and what you are ready to do to make your marriage a success.

Fun Marriage Questions

Here are some light-hearted questions to understand your pastimes and interests as well as how you and your spouse recharge your social battery and distribute work.

Family And Friends

Everyone loves their friends and families, but you also get annoyed by their incessant ways of getting involved in your life. Here are some questions that’ll help you understand the boundaries you and your partner want to set with regard to your friends and family.

Medical History

This is an important line of questioning as a person’s health condition directly affects their spouse and has the potential to be passed on to their future kids. So, before it creates disharmony in your relationship, make sure to ask these questions before you get married.

Conflict And Communication

Disagreements are inevitable in marriage, but how you handle them and communicate with each other will determine the health and longevity of your relationship. Therefore, it is better to establish your styles of communication before you get married. This also allows your partner to understand how to comfort you, especially if you’re not good with your words.

Sex Life

Yes, sex is an important area of discussion for pre-marriage questioning. No, you cannot postpone it until after you get married. It may get awkward or embarrassing for some people, but it will be very helpful.

Children And Parenting

It is absolutely essential to discuss children before you get married. You don’t want to be married for years before realizing your partner does not want kids while you are daydreaming about them all the time. So, ask and establish if you both want kids, when you are planning to have them, and what kind of financial plan you have for them.

Career Goals

With most people in today’s generation pursuing serious careers and striving toward independence, it is important to figure out what direction both your careers are going in. Here are some questions to discuss how much you support each other’s career growth and choices.

Financial Plans

Finances are a big must to figure out before marriage. Make sure to establish these points for easier budgeting for all the things you and your partner have planned to do once you get married.


Religion is an important aspect of every person’s life. These questions will help you understand if you and your partner’s religious beliefs are compatible.

Other Questions You Can Ask

What should couples know before marriage? Prior to getting married, talk about your future, having kids, your finances, your core values, and your boundaries, as well as have some medical tests. What are three things couples must decide on before they get married? The three major things couple should decide on before marriage is managing familial relationships, personal boundaries, and finances.

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