Kiwi Fruit Face Mask Benefits

1. High In Vitamin C

Kiwi is jam-packed with Vitamin C and phytochemicalsi  XThe bioactive nutrient plant chemicals found in vegetables, grains, fruits, and other plant foods. along with vitamin E, carotenoidsi  XYellow, orange, and red naturally occurring pigments produced by plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae. , and phenolics. Kiwi is an excellent source of antioxidants that protect your cells from oxidative exposure and rejuvenate them (1).

2. Boosts Collagen Development

Collagen is the compound that helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. Also, it keeps your skin soft and supple and prevents dryness. Vitamin C contained in Kiwi supports the collagen density in your skin (5).

3. Helps Fight Acne And Other Inflammation

Kiwi has anti-inflammatory properties, and that’s why it prevents acne, rashes, and other inflammatory skin issues (6). It’s a nutrient-dense super fruit. Now, here are the ways you can include this magic fruit in your daily skin care routine.

Must-Try Homemade Kiwi Fruit Face Packs

1. Yogurt And Kiwi Face Pack

1 Kiwi (take out the pulp) 1 tablespoon yogurt

2 minutes 15-20 minutes The vitamin C brightens your face while the AHA in yogurt rejuvenates and recharges the skin cells. Also, this pack helps in reducing blemishes.

2. Kiwi And Almond Face Pack

1 Kiwi 3-4 Almonds 1 Tablespoon Gram Flour (Besan)

1 day 15-20 minutes This face pack is extremely refreshing. It tones your skin, hydrates it, and unclogs the pores, giving it a fresh appearance. You can immediately see the difference after washing it off.

3. Lemon And Kiwi Face Pack

1 kiwi 1 teaspoon lemon juice

2 minutes 15-20 minutes This face mask helps in minimizing your pores and blemishes as lemon juice is an excellent bleach. This face pack is best suited for those with oily skin.

4. Kiwi And Banana Face Mask

1 kiwi 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon yogurt

2-3 minutes 20-30 minutes Banana is extremely hydrating, and yogurt helps in nourishing the skin and detoxifying it. This face pack softens your skin.

5. Rejuvenating Kiwi Fruit Face Mask

1 kiwi 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

2-3 minutes 15-20 minutes This super-hydrating and refreshing face pack is excellent for all skin types. It immediately soothes and calms your skin.

6. Avocado And Kiwi Face Pack

1 kiwi 1 tablespoon avocado (mashed) 1 teaspoon honey (optional)

5 minutes 15-20 minutes Avocado has vitamins A, E, and C. All these are essential for healthy and glowing skin.

7. Kiwi And Egg Yolk Pack

1 tablespoon kiwi pulp (scoop half kiwi and mash it) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 egg yolk

2-3 minutes 15-20 minutes The egg has skin tightening and skin-clearing properties. This face mask will improve your complexion, tighten pores, and give you glowing skin.

8. Kiwi And Sandalwood Pack

1 kiwi 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder 1 tablespoon Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti) Water (in case you need it to get the desired consistency)

3 minutes 20-30 minutes Sandalwood helps in removing tan and is excellent for managing acne, pimples, and blemishes. Fuller’s earth tones your skin and unclogs the pores while kiwi keeps it hydrated.

9. Strawberry And Kiwi Mask

½ kiwi 1 strawberry 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder

2 minutes 15-20 minutes With regular use, this face pack cleanses your skin thoroughly and fights acne and pimple-causing bacteria. It brightens your face and adds a natural glow to it.

10. Kiwi Juice And Olive Oil Mask

1 kiwi 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

2-3 minutes 20-30 minutes Olive oil and kiwi juice contain antioxidants that rejuvenate the skin cells. Also, massaging it on your face promotes blood circulation and energizes the skin cells, bringing a glow to your face. I know that you can’t wait to try these face packs at home, but I have some pro-tips for you that will help you get better results. Check them out.

Tips To Consider Before Applying Kiwi Face Mask Or Packs

Does kiwi brighten the skin? Yes. Applying kiwi may help brighten dull skin as it has vitamin C and astringenti  XA chemical substance that helps draw out water from the tissues, causing them to shrink and tighten. properties (1). Is kiwi good for lips? Yes. Kiwi lip balms and masks may help nourish and soften sore, dry, and chapped lips. Is kiwi skin good for your skin? Yes. Kiwi skin is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin C and E, and protects against UV exposure and aging (1). Can kiwi break you out? It may cause breakouts and rashes if you are allergic to kiwi. Therefore, do a patch test before using kiwi on your skin.
