What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are formed as a direct consequence of aging. When we age, the production of collagen can decrease, causing the skin to become loose and start developing wrinkles. Other factors that cause wrinkles include hormonal changes, photodamage related to excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun, and habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption (1). In some cases, stress may also cause the appearance of forehead wrinkles and fine lines. In the next section, we will explore some natural ways to reduce forehead wrinkles.

How To Reduce Forehead Wrinkles Easily At Home

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles (2). It contains antioxidants that can eliminate free radical activity in skin tissues (3). This may help eliminate or fade the forehead lines in due course of time. You Will Need 1 teaspoon virgin coconut oil What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this every night before going to bed. Note: Avoid this remedy if you have oily or acne-prone skin as coconut oil may cause more breakouts. 

2. Castor Oil

Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is a skin-conditioning agent (4). Castor oil also contains antioxidants (5). These antioxidants prevent free radical damage to the skin and keep the skin on your forehead healthy and free of frown lines. You Will Need 1 teaspoon of castor oil What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily. 

3. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are rich in vitamins C and E that are essential for skin health. The flavonoids in citrus fruits can strengthen capillaries and boost collagen and elastin in the skin. This may help impart a youthful appearance and reduce wrinkles (6). You Will Need

1 teaspoon of lemon juice 2-3 teaspoons of water Cotton balls

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Apply it once every alternate day.

4. Massage

A gentle massage will improve blood circulation to the facial tissues and also relax your facial muscles. This may help eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. Olive oil moisturizes your skin and may help delay skin aging (2). You Will Need

A few drops of olive oil A few drops of coconut oil

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this 1-2 times every day.

5. Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. When ingested, it may help regulate skin barrier function, thus reducing the fine lines and wrinkles (7). You Will Need 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil What You Have To Do Consume a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. How Often You Should Do This Do this 2-4 times a day for a fortnight. Note: Flax seeds contain cyanide glycoside, which can increase toxicity if used over a long period of time.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Both aloe vera and egg white are rich sources of vitamin E. Aloe vera contains malic acid, which is known to reduce fine lines by tightening and toning the skin (8). You Will Need

2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel 1 egg white

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this 2-4 times a day for a fortnight.

7. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is rich in vitamin E and esters that can help slow down the skin aging process (9). This may help reduce the appearance of forehead wrinkles. You Will Need A few drops of jojoba oil What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Repeat this every night before going to bed.

8. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly contains petrolatum. It regulates skin barrier repair function and keeps your skin hydrated (10). This, in turn, can prevent the formation of fine lines. You Will Need 1/2 teaspoon of petroleum jelly What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this every night before going to bed. Note: Do not use this remedy if you have acne-prone skin since petroleum jelly may aggravate the acne. 

9. Manuka Honey

The active components found in Manuka honey, namely benzoic acid and methylglyoxal, impart therapeutic properties to it (11). It also has emollient properties, which help in moisturizing your skin and delays the formation of wrinkles. These properties work on the skin and keep it healthy, regenerated, and young-looking. You Will Need

1-2 tablespoons of honey Hot water Sterile washcloth

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this every day.

10. Almond Oil

Almond oil can make your skin smooth and enhance skin barrier function. Its emollient property keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated (12). This, in turn, can help reduce forehead wrinkles. You Will Need 1 teaspoon of almond oil What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this every night before going to bed. There are a host of medical options that could help eliminate forehead wrinkles. Some of themare listed below.

Medical Treatment Methods

Neurotoxin Injections: Botulinum toxin (BT) or Botox is a neurotoxin injection that is produced by Clostridium botulinum (13). This is effective in eliminating facial wrinkles and lines and is commonly used as a part of overall facial rejuvenation.

Laser Resurfacing: In this method, your surgeon will use an ultra pulsed laser beam to ablate the epidermal cells, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles (14). This procedure has little to no side effects. This is an effective method to eliminate superficial wrinkles on your forehead, neck, and cheeks.

Acupuncture: This procedure, known as Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture (FCA), is done on your face, head, and neck. It increases facial elasticity by helping boost facial muscle tone (15). Needles are inserted in the muscles of the face and neck. This may cause mild bruising at the site of insertion in some cases.

Here are some ways by which you may be able to prevent the early appearance of forehead wrinkles.

Prevention Tips

You can use an anti-aging facial that contains active ingredients that can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles on your face.

Several studies show that retinoids or vitamin A can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles as they can enhance cell growth and differentiation (16).

Follow a healthy diet. This can make sure that you consume essential vitamins (like vitamins A, C, and E) and minerals required to boost collagen production in your skin, thereby preventing wrinkles (17).

Engaging in regular workouts and physical activity can help keep your skin replenished and supple.

It is imperative to keep yourself hydrated as it keeps your skin replenished and supple.

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight as this can cause photoaging and increase the appearance of forehead wrinkles.

Quit habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption as it harms your skin tissue and eventually gives them an aged appearance (18).

You could use facial creams and products that contain hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring biopolymer that is a part of the extracellular matrix of skin tissues. This can be used as a dermal filler as HA gets crosslinked in your skin, thereby reducing forehead wrinkles (19).

Getting enough sleep and staying away from stress is also important.

Which muscle is responsible for horizontal wrinkles on your forehead? Check out this infographic if you need a quick fix for wrinkles. Here are some makeup tips to help you hide them like a pro. The occipitofrontalis muscles are responsible for the horizontal lines on your forehead. What to use for deep forehead wrinkles? The remedies listed above work for both fine lines and deep forehead wrinkles. Although it might take a while for the deeper lines to smoothen out, it is recommended to use these remedies on a regular basis for the best results. At what age do forehead wrinkles appear? While wrinkles (and forehead wrinkles) may start to appear in your 40s, you may see them even in your 20s due to stress, poor lifestyle, and constant contraction of the facial muscles. Does drinking water reduce forehead wrinkles? Yes, drinking water hydrates your skin and helps maintain skin elasticity. However, drinking water alone is not enough. You will have to follow a proper skin care routine and diet to help minimize the appearance of forehead wrinkles. Can dehydration cause forehead wrinkles? Yes, dehydration can make your skin look dull and make your forehead wrinkles more visible and prominent.